The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

The Evening Post
September 24 1999

Ellis again says no to parole

Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis has again refused to leave Christchurch Prison.

Ellis has previously turned down two parole opportunities, saying that to take them would be to acknowledge guilt.

His lawyer, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, said that, consistent with his stance before the Parole Board, Ellis had declined home leave yesterday.

At the same time, his mother Lesley Ellis went to Wellington to deliver her request for a royal commission of inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Creche case.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters agreed to meet Mrs Ellis to receive her letters at Parliament.

Mrs Ellis said the pending decision on an appeal heard in July was irrelevant, because the controversy surrounding the investigation into her son's case left too many unanswered questions.

"There are just too many concerns about a range of Government departments," Mrs Ellis said.

"It's not just the police, it's the education department, ACC, social welfare, and the whole justice department which have to be questioned."

Copies of Mrs Ellis' letter will be given to all MPs.

Ellis was determined to clear his name, his mother said.

"Peter has to be released in February anyway, but he is still exceedingly resolute when it comes to proving his innocence. He's still pretty annoyed," Mrs Ellis said.

Last November, Mrs Ablett Kerr asked Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys to pardon Ellis and order an inquiry.

Sir Michael declined the pardon but agreed to widen the terms of the appeal. -