The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

The Press
September 25,1999.

City projects “Lord’s Plan”

Christchurch has been prepared for the Second Coming of Christ, says City Manager Mike Richardson, a fundamentalist Christian.

The developments of the WestpacTrust centre, the Pioneer and Centennial pools, Jade Stadium, the Convention Centre, and Cathedral Square were all part of the Lord's plan, Mr Richardson said in a paper written for fellow Christians.

The paper was leaked to The Press yesterday, but some councillors said they had also received copies of Mr Richardson's controversial paper from anonymous sources.

In the paper, Mr Richardson said the Lord wanted to move on Christchurch and he wanted to move "very soon".

The recently completed swimming pools were required because of the huge number of people who would need to be baptised in a short time, he said.

Mr Richardson said the role of Cathedral Square was pivotal. Problems with the project reflected Satan's awareness of the spiritual importance of the project, he said. Pavers breaking under the weight of traffic may symbolise the weight of the Lord's glory.

"The sport and entertainment (WestpacTrust) centre is a venue which will be used as a gathering place for the saints," he said. "The redeveloped Jade Stadium will be used similarly."

Asked about the paper yesterday, Mr Richardson said it was not prepared for public release. Had it been intended so, the method of presentation would have been different.

Mr Richardson said it was not the city council's intention to use the city's swimming pools for mass baptisms. It was not appropriate to comment on problems with Cathedral Square's development with reference to Satan.

He would not comment on his religion, saying whether the Lord had spoken to him again since December 31, 1998, as claimed in his paper, was his business.

"I do have a comment. People who want to see a revival of Christian values in the city should pray."

Cr David Close, chairman of the council's strategy and resources committee, said publication of the paper was an intrusion into Mr Richardson's personal life.

"The city council has total confidence in the ability, skills, and competence of Mike Richardson as city manager. In our view he has been an excellent city manager," Cr Close said.

"The council has always considered Mike's religious views as a strictly personal matter for him."

Cr Paddy Austin said Mr Richardson had to be careful not to bring the council into disrepute.

"I would be concerned if he thinks the council is building a stockpile of assets for the Second Coming," she said. "I don't think that was in the council's mind at the time."


Comment on news article

Mike Richardson is the Christchurch City Manager, and had a significant role in an official capacity at the time of the Crèche Case, in actions that the City Council took at that time.

Richardson's religious beliefs could, on one hand, be considered personal. On the other hand, other people consider that the extreme religious beliefs held by a significant number of those with influence affected actions taken in the Creche case.  In particular the charges that Ellis faced were brought about by a belief of police involved that they were dealing with a widespread "satanic pedophile ring"
