The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

The Dominion
October 14 1999

Decision on Peter Ellis appeal due today

The wait for an Appeal Court decision on whether or not to free convicted child abuser Peter Ellis became almost unbearable for his mother, Lesley, yesterday, after advice that a final decision would be given today, on the biggest case of its kind heard in New Zealand.

Mrs Ellis said that neither she nor Peter had reason to be optimistic about the decision.

"I think Peter's resigned to staying there till February (the date of his automatic release), though Judith (Ablett Kerr, Ellis's counsel) feels they have taken so long there must be some sort of problem."

Ellis was to be advised of the imminent decision in a regular visit by his supporters later yesterday.

Ms Ablett Kerr, who is flying to Wellington, said that if the decision was in Ellis's favour there was no reason why he should not be a free man later today.

Mrs Ellis also confirmed yesterday that she had received an "optimistic" reply from Justice Minister Tony Ryall to her appeal for a royal commission of inquiry.

"He indicated there was new evidence that should be looked at but said they'd have to hold horses till after the Appeal Court decision."

Ellis was jailed for 10 years in 1993.