The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports


Sunday Star Times
October 31 1999

A son's reply
Letter to the Editor
by Jerome Williamson

Frank Haden described my late father, the Christchurch High Court trial judge as "rancorous", "old" and "religiously prejudiced".

Rancorous? I have never met a kinder, more loving man than my father nor a man less likely to bear ill-will against another person. Old? My father was 57 when he died in 1996.

Religiously prejudiced? My father was a practising Catholic. I have been a lawyer in Christchurch for the last 12 years and have never heard it suggested my father showed bias of any kind. He had a reputation -- as a prosecutor and a judge -- for being scrupulously fair.

Haden never knew my father. His description is absurd. But the most disturbing aspect of his column was his claim my father "admitted to his intimates shortly before he died that he was troubled by second thoughts about the wisdom of the way he conducted himself".

That is untrue. My father was not obsessed with the Ellis trial as Haden appears to be. He did not talk about it shortly before his unexpected death. On the occasions he spoke about the Ellis trial to me, he most certainly did not question his own conduct.

Haden's turgid prose is fiction dressed up as an opinion. My father's conduct of the trial has stood up to intense scrutiny on appeal not once, but twice.

Rancorous? Old? Religiously prejudiced? Perhaps Haden should be asked whether he was in front of a mirror when he composed his column.