The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

Newsgroups: nz.general
November 3 1999

Re: Peter ELLIS : Thoughts on Memory (was Re: Memory; Reinventing ....)
by Dave McL ([email protected])

Mystrie21 wrote:
>  I haven't as yet read 'A Mother's Story'..but is she the
>  mother that David McLoughlin refers to [several times in]
>  his article on the CHCH creche? The child was present
>  during the TV interview, David refers to the look on the
>  child's face. The mother had also requested the tapes of
>  the child's disclosure interviews, apparently to *help* in the
>  child's *recovery therapy*...made for chilling reading.

Yes, she is the same mother. Joy Bander is her pen name in that book. I refer to her as mother S3 in that article. She took her poor dear son around to cemeteries, a masonic lodge and all kinds of other spooky places before taking him to well-rehearsed (with her) interviews with the welfare interviewers. One of the interviewers, Sue Sidey, realized early on that the bizarre stuff that little boy was spouting was coming from his mother and Sue declined to see him again. The mother went to the police to complain and Sue was forced to interview him a couple of times more. From those interviews came the "circle incident" nonsense that led to the arrest of three of the creche women staff members. 

Sue Sidey was unable to get the boy to state on the record the fiction about a kid called "Andrew" being sacrificed. The mother told Sue her son had claimed this had happened and Sue asked the kid about it several times, prompting him with "what about Andrew?" But it seems as if that fantasy existed only in the mother's mind as her son was quite blank in the face of those questions.

The appalling thing is that, despite Sue Sidey realising "Joy Bander" was the source of that kid's allegations, four of the charges on which Peter Ellis remains convicted resulted from those maternally manufactured allegations. The Court of Appeal didn't want to know about it or even look at  the  "smoking gun" letter of Dr Karen Zelas detailing Sue Sidey's concerns about the claims of this child and one other whose parents also demonstrably manufactured claims of abuse even by the standards of the  "believe anything" welfare interviewers.