The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

Sunday Star Times
November 7, 1999

Ellis case
Name Withheld, Timaru

I am a grandmother of a child complainant at the Peter Ellis trial. I wish to thank Sandra Coney (October 24) for her insight into the effects of the families of the Ellis-is-innocent campaign. Her support is valuable since protection of the children's identities remains paramount.

Ellis's crime was like a pebble thrown into water -- the ripples just keep spreading.

The recovery process for this courageous child and parents has been gruelling, with recurring setbacks and need for counselling. I myself have developed an anxiety state which often manifests itself at 3am when word pictures from my grandchild's testimony return to haunt me. We have, as they say, "Come through", but life will never be the same.

I am bewildered by Frank Haden's tireless, virulent attacks on the children and parents. He doesn't know my family -- educated, loving, responsible citizens -- so why does he brand them as dim-witted, greedy and exploitative? His attack on the now-dead judge was particularly nose-wrinkling. Haden is entitled to an opinion but that doesn't encompass verbal abuse.