The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

The Press
November 8 1999

Ellis-in-a-dress report dismissed

Allegations that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been allowed to wear dresses in Rolleston Prison have been rubbished by his supporters.

Winston Wealleans, who maintains Ellis is innocent of the charges of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre, said the allegations made in a weekend newspaper were malicious nonsense.

"I visit Peter every week along with many other people and none of us have ever seen him wear a frock. It's utter rubbish," he said.

Ellis would be telling prison authorities he was prepared to waive privacy considerations so they could confirm or deny the allegations. Prison officers would definitely know if Ellis dressed in frocks and those he had spoken to had said it was untrue.

Ellis made no secret he was a homosexual but did not dress in women's clothes, Mr Wealleans said.

Bryan McMurray, assistant general manager of the Prison Service, would not comment directly on whether inmates were allowed to wear dresses or on what Ellis wore in prison.

The department's interest in an inmate's recreational clothing was confined to ensuring it did not interfere with providing a safe and secure environment, he said.

There had been no problems at the prison relating to inmates' clothing, he said.

Ellis is serving a 10-year jail term at Rolleston Prison and is due for release early next year. Although his second appeal against his convictions was dismissed last month he now awaits a Government decision on whether a Royal Commission of Inquiry will be set up to investigate the case.