The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

The Press
November 8 1999

Peter Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by Tighe Instone (Oct 31)

Several weeks ago, the Appeal Court's decision not to reopen Peter Ellis's case provoked yet another round of attacks on the evidence of the Christchurch Civic Creche children. Now Teresa MacIntyre wants to make Mr Ellis an election issue (October 30).

The abuse these children were subjected to is compounded every time a public attack on their evidence occurs.

If Mr Ellis is innocent of the crimes for which he has been convicted, then someone else must be guilty of abusing the children while they were in the care of the Christchurch Civic Creche. Instead of constant attacks on the evidence of vulnerable children, an investigation into who the perpetrator was, if not Mr Ellis, might be a more constructive approach to solving this case.