The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

Sunday Star Times
November 14 1999

Ellis evidence
Letter to the Editor
by Colleen Waugh, Auckland

I applaud Jerome Williamson's stand and loyalty to his father (October 31). A man's character and integrity are indeed his most treasured possessions.

If there had been any doubts in his father's mind, they could only have been because Justice Williamson found the very law he served restricted him in dealing justly and correctly with the case on account of a poorly considered amendment in 1986 to the Evidence Act 1908.

The act amendments allowed uncorroborated evidence to be presented in sexual cases. Judges were no longer required to warn juries of the danger of convicting on uncorroborated evidence. Had the law not been changed, I feel confident Justice Williamson would have acted differently in the Ellis case.

As a lawyer Jerome Williamson should dig deep into his law books in an endeavour to return justice to an even keel by revisiting the amendment of this act. Then, perhaps, judges will be able to hand down judgments knowing them to be just and correct.