The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

Sunday Star Times
November 14 1999

Ellis framed
Letter to the Editor
by R R Pollock, Porirua

I have been very interested in the assortment of views on the guilt or innocence of Peter Ellis (November 7). Only Ellis knows the truth -- if any -- of the charges against him.

He received a mock trial because more than half the testimony of his accusers was suppressed as it consisted of such absolute rubbish it would have been laughed out of court. He should never have been tried on manufactured evidence but he was and that fact will condemn the justice system forever. Guilty or innocent, Ellis was framed.

One child has admitted the stories were lies. It will never be over for the others until they develop the commonsense to follow suit. Only then will they know peace of mind.

Frank Haden should be thanked for maintaining course and speed in exposing this travesty of justice. The case now ranks with the Salem witch trials, the Arthur Allan Thomas fiasco and the more recent David Bain tragedy.