The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

1999 July-Dec

Newsgroups: nz.general
November 16 1999

Letter regarding Peter Ellis
by Andy Bearsley ([email protected])

Dear Mr Bearsley

Thank you for your letter dated 15 October 1999 regarding the Peter Ellis case.  I have noted your views on the matter.

As you will be aware, the Governor-General exercised the Royal prerogative of mercy, and referred the case back for further consideration by the Court of Appeal.  As you will be aware, the Court of Appeal as since heard extensive arguments on the case, and has declined the appeal.

The Governor-General has recently received a further application for the Royal prerogative of mercy, and has sought my advice on the application. The application calls for a pardon for Mr Ellis, and a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Ellis case.  A substantial amount of material has been presented in support of the application which will take some time to consider.

Yours sincerely
Tony Ryall
Minister of Justice.