The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports

2001 Jan-June

New Zealand Police
March 13, 2001

Media Release
Report endorses investigation professionalism

Police welcome the findings of the Eichelbaum Report on the investigation into the Ellis case, said Acting Commissioner Paul Fitzharris.

“Investigations into suspected child abuse cases are difficult and very stressful for the victims and the Police officers involved. We have always believed Police staff acted in a professional manner throughout this case,” said Mr Fitzharris.

“It’s nice to have the actions of our officers and staff of our partner agency (formerly CYPS now CY&F) vindicated by independent experts and a Ministerial Inquiry.”

Mr Fitzharris said prime consideration must be given to the safety and protection of children. These children, and their families have undergone a very stressful and traumatic experience.

“This case has been subjected to intense scrutiny by the justice process and the public. In the words of Justice Eichelbaum – Mr Ellis’s case has had the most thorough examination possible. It should now be laid to rest.”