The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports

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Last updated March 19 2005

2001-0614 - Otago Daily Times - 'No touching' may create more problems than solutions
by Warren Palmer Hood traces some of the history leading up to the case. Prominent in this history is the development of feminist groups from the early 1970s. She relates how "initially, women's liberation was for all women, and for men as well", but, by the late 1970s, men had become "demonised" in a stereotyping process similar to the witch-hunts which pervaded early American society. Hood likens the 1970s slogan, "All men are rapists", to the 1486 claim by a group of American priests that "All witchcraft is caused by carnal lust which is, in women, insatiable". Both are examples of stereotyping by gender, and both became accepted as "orthodoxy" (or "dogma") by a proportion of society

2001-0515 - Usenet - Opinion on evidence
by Patrick Ford  
the evidence that convicted him was based on deliberate lies and fabrication by adults, unintentional lies and fabrication by children, and the deliberate concealment and suppression of evidence that would have harmed the prosecution case

2001-0418 - Evening Post - Did law lords get it wrong?
Letter to the Editor by Peter Watson - Can we be assured that if we do eventually discard the Privy Council we will continue to receive a reasonable standard of justice? I would like to think so and that the New Zealand courts are up to the job. Unfortunately, when the Privy Council finds differently, as with the Valentine's case, I have to wonder not only about our courts but those who would make them the sole dispensers of justice in this country. I am sure Arthur Allan Thomas and Peter Ellis, to name but two, might have similar views about the wisdom of such a move.

2001-0417 - Otago Daily Times - 'Teacher touching' issues explored  
NZPA - Public anxiety about sexual abuse has changed the relationship between children and teachers in New Zealand, a new book says. Touchy Subject: Teachers Touching Children is a collection of opinions from educationalists from New Zealand, Samoa, Australia, Britain and the United States. The book's publishers, University of Otago Press, said the book asked questions such as whether New Zealand had gone overboard with the "hands-off" approach to touching students, and whether men were being put off teaching

2001-0412 - Dominion - Sex abuse fears change education - book  
NZPA - Public anxiety about sexual abuse has changed the relationship between children and teachers in New Zealand, a book being published this month says. ………Two contributors, Sarah-Eve Farquahar and Richard Johnson, say men are avoiding working in early childhood education. A chapter by Lynley Hood says the Peter Ellis case arose out of three 1980s movements, radical feminism, religious conservatism and child protection.

2001-0408 - Sunday Star Times - Playing it safe  
by Sarah Catherall - Two former teachers convicted last week of sexually molesting their pupils has reignited the debate about how to keep children safe in school…….But Jones says the relationship between teachers and young pupils has become over-regulated--a point backed by Langley, who says authorities naturally reacted to the civic crèche case by writing new rules. "We are dripping with regulations and it's debatable whether that has led to long-term solutions for anyone," he says, arguing that a planned code of ethics should lead to more realistic guidelines for teachers.

2001-0401 - Sunday Star Times - Sex Experts
Letter to the Editor by Gordon Waugh – Congratulations
for having the courage to publish an extract from Lynley Hood's refreshing, accurate and concise essay on the Peter Ellis case (March 25), exposing the nonsense leading to his conviction. She correctly noted that alleged experts who claim an ability to distinguish between true and false allegations of sexual abuse can do nothing of the sort

2001-0401 - Sunday Star Times - Pay Back Time
Letter to the Editor by C L Coe -
Having read the excellent article by Lynley Hood on the Peter Ellis case, I am more convinced than ever that he is innocent

2001-0401 - Sunday Star Times - Frank reply
Letter to the Editor by Iain
Mitchell - Paedophiles are excellent manipulators, they groom their environment until it is primed and ready. Haden and others can consider themselves well and truly groomed

2001-0331 - Suburban Newspapers - Let right be done
by Gordon Waugh 
Congratulations to Pat Booth for his insight into the Peter Ellis case (March 27). Concerns about Ellis' conviction will not abate until all the facts are made known. The Ministerial Inquiry did nothing to expose or examine those facts. Some will argue that the two "pre-eminent international experts" hired by the Inquiry have given reliable, expert advice on the testimony of the children, and that should be the end of the matter. Ellis was not convicted on testable medical, forensic, physical or documentary evidence. The case turned on the assumptions, beliefs and opinions of self-appointed "experts" and their interpretation of the behaviour of young children

2001-0327 - North Shore Times - Shouldn't juries have all the facts  
Children, who were interviewed and whose answers to questions were the basis for the case against him, told of just those fantasy events while the everyday life of the crèche went on around them - children slung in cages from the roof, having their private parts cut off, having sticks and needles inserted into their bottoms, being taken into the ceiling and on to the roof. as well as ritual killings and naked sex orgies, coffins and exhumations of Christ. There was even suggestion of a tunnel from a leading Christchurch hotel said to have been used by tourists to reach the crèche and abuse children. But that "evidence" was never shared with the jury. They heard only a sanitised version, stripped of obvious fantasies which would have raised such telling doubt about the edited evidence Peter Ellis has so consistently and strenuously denied.

2001-0325 - Sunday Star Times - Letter to the Editor
by Andrew Johnson – (re)
Frank Haden's column on the issue (March 18). Never have I seen this case summed up for what it has been in such a watertight fashion.

2001-0325 - Usenet - Problems with Lynley Hoods book
by Craig Young  
I have some grave misgivings about Lynley Hood's book on Christchurch during the Peter Ellis controversy if her Sunday Star-Times article is anything to go by

2001-0325 - Usenet - Discussion on Lynley Hoods SST article
by Megan Pledger - 
I read the article but came away feeling that it was all very shallow. The groups and their motivations were analysed on a very facile level, huge generalisations were made, very few of which rang true to me

2001-0325 - Sunday Star Times - Touchy Subject
by Lynley Hood; 
after years of dredging through the mire in which the story had foundered, I found no evidence of illegality by anyone accused in this case. Instead, I found convincing evidence that more than 100 Christchurch children had been subjected to unpleasant and psychologically hazardous procedures for no good reason, and that a group of capable and caring adults with no inclinations towards sexual misconduct with children had had their lives ruined as a result.

2001-0324 - Otago Daily Times - Excerpt from Report
by Karen Howard - As governor-general, Sir Michael has had the unenviable task of considering applications from convicted criminals seeking royal pardons. Cases which have come before him include those of convicted paedophile Peter Ellis and David Bain, convicted of murdering his family

2001-0322 - Nelson Mail - From private to public figure
Karen Howard, NZPA - As governor-general Sir Michael has had the unenviable task of considering applications from convicted criminals seeking royal pardons. Cases which have come before him include those of convicted paedophile Peter Ellis and David Bain, convicted of murdering his family. What most people don't understand is that decisions about such applications are effectively made by cabinet, he says. "All the applications go to the minister of justice who sets a team of lawyers and investigators to look into them and write a report. "It comes to me with a recommendation.

2001-0322 - Ellis 'a victim of witch-hunt'
NZPA - The author of a long-awaited book on the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case has concluded that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was the victim of a witch-hunt. Writing in Touchy Subject -- Teachers Touching Children, a collection of articles about the shift in the relationship between teachers and young children, author Lynley Hood says she found no evidence of illegality by anyone accused in the case

2001-0322 - Dominion - Strange case of the two Ellis reports
Letter to the Editor by T R Bayley - Like the majority of others, I am in no position to comment on the guilt, or otherwise, of Peter Ellis. On the surface it appears his case has been fairly aired. But I found your columns (March 16) concerning a 1999 secret report by Sir Thomas Thorp, a retired senior High Court judge, disquieting. Prepared for the secretary for justice, his report reaches quite different conclusions from those of Sir Thomas Eichelbaum's report, issued last week.

2001-0322 - Otago Daily Times - Letter to the Editor
by Gordon Weare - I believe Peter Ellis is an innocent victim of television hysteria and the whispering campaign of the politically correct

2001-0321 - Evening Post - Ellis the victim - author  
NZPA - The author of a long-awaited book on the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case has concluded that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was the victim of a witch-hunt

2001-0321 - Waikato Times - Ellis the victim?  
NZPA - The author of a long-awaited book on the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case has concluded that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was the victim of a witch-hunt

2001-0321 - The Press - Witch-hunt trapped Ellis - author
by Martin Van Beynen - The author of a long-awaited book on the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre case has concluded that convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was the victim of a witch-hunt. Writing in Touchy Subject -- Teachers Touching Children, a collection of articles on the shift in the relationship between teachers and young children, author Lynley Hood said she had found no evidence of illegality by anyone accused in the case.

2001-0320 - Evening Post - Bizarre evidence
Letter to the Editor by H Young - The trouble with merely deleting the "fantastical" elements of the children's evidence against the alleged Civic Crèche abuser Peter Ellis, as every hearing of his case has done, is that they do not exist in isolation; they cast reasonable doubt on the non-fantastical. If I said Phil Goff molested me, you might possibly believe me. If I said he flew from the moon on gossamer wings and molested me, you certainly would not.

2001-0320 - ECPAT - Peter Ellis: guilty or not?
by Denise Ritchie - This week Sir Thomas Eichelbaum’s report finds no grounds to set aside Ellis’ convictions, vindicating the testimony of children and professionals at the heart of the case………ECPAT notes that the children’s testimonies have been continuously upheld despite most rigorous probing over 10 years at the highest criminal law level

2001-0319 - Otago Daily Times - Letter to the Editor
by R E Mawson - The children involved in the Peter Ellis Christchurch Civic crèche case have clearly been abused......emotionally and psychologically abused by the New Zealand justice system

2001-0319 - WYSIWYG News - Ellis bid for pardon declined
by Brian Harmer 
Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis' bid for a pardon has failed. The announcement follows the release of the findings of a ministerial inquiry into the Ellis case, which sought to examine whether evidence from children at the centre of the Civic Crèche case, was sound

2001-0318 - Sunday Star Times - Open Plan Toilets Show Ellis Innocent
Page C6 by Frank Haden “
Thanks to a blunder by Justice Minister Phil Goff, the dark side of the system has had its way at last with Peter Ellis. I hope the disgusting chorus who railroaded an innocent man into jail are satisfied. Parents have their $50,000 lump sum handouts, enthusiastically touted by ACC shock troops in return for weaving an evil web of fanciful accusations against Ellis in their sitting-room conferences.  Police, social workers and other self-styled experts have the satisfaction of cobbling together a successful prosecution out of an outrageous collection of black fairy tales. The astonishing narrowness of Gull's instructions to Sir Thomas Eichelbaum are to blame for focusing the retired chief justice on only one point: whether the interviewing techniques were dubious enough to discredit the convictions. Ellis, instead of facing a prosecution required to prove his guilt, was called on to prove his innocence with both hands fled behind his back. Eichelbaum lacked instructions to consider a fatal flaw in the prosecution: the offences physically could never have happened, no matter what rubbish the children were cajoled into reporting.

2001-0317 - NZ Herald - Report noted need for further look at Ellis case  
by Alison Horwood - A retired High Court judge called for further investigation into the case of convicted paedophile Peter Ellis in a report written for the Ministry of Justice in 1999. Sir Thomas Thorp's report, released by Justice Minister Phil Goff yesterday, said the two petitions filed on behalf of Ellis raised a "considerable number of issues sufficiently to point to a need for further investigation." But it was inappropriate to express any firm view on whether Ellis should be pardoned at that time, nor should a pardon be considered while his case was before the Appeal Court, Sir Thomas said.

2001-0317 - Dominion - Ellis angry judge's report was kept secret 
by David McLoughlin - Former Christchurch Civic Crèche worker Peter Ellis is angry that a report casting doubt on his convictions for child abuse was kept secret for two years but another affirming his guilt was made public. He said yesterday that if the hitherto-secret report on the Civic Crèche case by retired High Court judge Sir Thomas Thorp had been made public when it was written two years ago he might have got out of jail earlier.

2001-0317 - The Press - Conflicting Ellis reports 'OK'  
by Martin Van Beynen - A judge's report that raises questions about the safety of the child-sex convictions against Peter Ellis does not concern Justice Minister Phil Goff. The report, which was prepared in 1999 by retired High Court judge Sir Thomas Thorp, agrees that material put forward by the Ellis defence team raises serious concerns about his convictions. Its disclosure comes only days after Mr Goff released the results of a ministerial inquiry into the case.

2001-0317 - Waikato Times - Ellis defence denied US expert's opinion
NZPA - A retired High Court judge's recommendation a formal opinion on the Peter Ellis case be sought from an expert American psychologist was rejected by the Crown Law Office and the later Eichelbaum investigation, Ellis' lawyer says. In his 1999 report, Sir Thomas Thorp recommended a formal opinion on evidence given by children from Christchurch's Civic Crèche be obtained from Cornell University psychology professor Stephen Ceci, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC, said yesterday.

2001-0317 - The Press - Legal reckoning 
by Elinore Wellwood - A Ministerial Inquiry has written what many hope will be the final chapter in convicted pedophile Peter Ellis's bid to clear his name. Elinore Wellwood outlines the decade-long controversy, and why Ellis has not been pardoned.

2001-0317 - Otago Daily Times - Ablett Kerr angry that expert's opinion not sought  
Staff Reporter and NZPA - Dunedin QC Judith Ablett Kerr is angry a retired High Court judge's recommendation that a formal opinion on the Peter Ellis case be sought from an expert American psychologist was twice rejected. In a 1999 report, Sir Thomas Thorp recommended a formal opinion on evidence given by children from Christchurch's Civic Crèche be obtained from Cornell University psychology professor Stephen Ceci, Mrs Ablett Kerr said in a statement yesterday

2001-0316 - Nelson Mail - Time to move on
Editorial - ….Ellis and his supporters will no doubt fight on, encouraged by the revelation today of a secret 1999 report by a senior High Court judge that expressed serious doubts about the convictions. But at some point the rest of the country needs to move on. ……The Ellis case has been scrutinised like no other …….Children can be trusted to tell the truth. Ellis's victims should be given the chance to put their ordeal behind them.

2001-0316 - Otago Daily Times - Further complaint in Ellis/Civic Childcare case  
NZPA - A fresh complainant in the Peter Ellis case went to police after consulting a lawyer and Children's Commissioner Roger McClay, The Press reported. The 18-year-old Christchurch man and his family had approached police a while ago over his allegations he had been sexually abused by Ellis at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre and off the premises. The Press understood he contacted police again this year and made a formal complaint in January

2001-0316 - Usenet - Prediction that Ellis conviction will stay
by Andrew Moffat Vallance 
The harsh reality is that now Peter Ellis' chance of overturning his conviction is probably about the same as mine of winning Miss New Zealand.

2001-0316 - Govt Press Release - Thorp Report Not Secret
NZ Government Press Release by Minister of Justice Phil Goff - Justice Minister Phil Goff said a media report claiming Sir Thomas Thorp's opinion on Mr Ellis' case cast doubt on the conviction is incorrect. The Minister also said it was misleading for the article to describe Sir Thomas's opinion as a 'secret' report

2001-0316 - NZ Herald - 1999 report into Ellis case called for further investigation  
A retired High Court judge called for further investigation into the case of convicted paedophile Peter Ellis in a report written for the Ministry of Justice in 1999. Sir Thomas Thorp's report, released by Justice Minister Phil Goff today, said the two petitions filed on behalf of Ellis raised a "considerable number of issues sufficiently to point to a need for further investigation."

2001-0316 - Dominion - Secret Report
by David McLoughlin - A secret report by a retired senior High Court judge casts "serious doubt" on the convictions of Peter Ellis for sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Crèche. 

The report, by Sir Thomas Thorp, canvasses the views of experts on mass-allegation child abuse cases, including the Civic Crèche affair, and says that if those views proved to have substantial support, "it would in my view be difficult to argue against the existence of a serious doubt about the safety of (Ellis's) convictions".

His report is in sharp contrast to the one written by former chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum and issued this week. He canvassed much the same evidence as Sir Thomas Thorp but concluded that Ellis had failed "by a distinct margin" to prove his convictions were unsafe. 

Sir Thomas Thorp's report was prepared for the secretary of justice in March 1999 in response to a petition for a pardon and a new Court of Appeal hearing filed by Ellis's lawyer, Judith Ablett Kerr, QC. It has never been made public.

2001-0315 - Evening Post - Fresh complaint laid against Ellis
NZPA - A fresh complainant in the Peter Ellis case went to police after a lawyer and Children's Commissioner Roger McClay were consulted, The Press reported today. An 18-year-old Christchurch man and his family had approached police over his allegations that he had been sexually abused by Ellis at Christchurch Civic Crèche and off the premises.

2001-0315 - The Press - Fresh allegations surface in Ellis case  
by Yvonne Martin - A fresh complainant in the Peter Ellis case went to police, after consulting a lawyer and the Children's Commissioner, Roger McClay. The 18-year-old Christchurch man and his family had approached police a while ago over his allegations that he had been sexually abused by Ellis at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre and off the premises. The Press understands he contacted police again this year, and made a formal complaint in January. Police are not commenting on how they are treating the complaint, and the Crown Law Office will not confirm whether it has been referred to it for consideration.

2001-0315 - Dominion - Supporters say new complaint against Ellis is smear attempt 
by Alan Samson - A new complaint against convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was dismissed by Ellis's supporters yesterday as a smear deliberately raised at a time he was again the focus of public attention. Ellis, who was sentenced in 1993 and served nearly seven years jail on 13 counts of abuse, had an application for pardon declined on Tuesday by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys after a ministerial inquiry.

Victoria University sociology professor Mike Hill said, from Singapore, that all the major United States ritual abuse cases had now been overturned. "Australia never got as far as conviction and I don't think any similar cases have been proved in Britain. "Ellis got caught between the wave of hysteria generated by the satanism scare, and propagated by New Zealand social workers in 1981, and the official reports in the UK and USA which totally debunked the claims but were not published until 1994.

2001-0315 - Otago Daily Times - Goff says expert's comments misconstrued  
by Sally Rae - Justice Minister Phil Goff says Dunedin lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr QC has misconstrued the comments of one of the experts used in an investigation into the conviction of Peter Ellis on 13 sex offences involving children. In a statement yesterday, Mr Goff said Ellis's counsel, Mrs Ablett-Kerr, had "got it wrong" claiming Prof Graham Davies, of Leicester University, had advised a broader inquiry was needed

2001-0315 - The Press - An End to the Crèche Case?
Editorial: “An End to the Crèche Case?”
Convicted pedophile Peter Ellis has surely exhausted the judicial options to clear his name

2001-0315 - Otago Daily Times - The Ellis Cause
The key criticisms by Ellis of the police case claim that children were questioned using now discredited techniques, which could have led to fabricated allegations; the questioning produced many bizarre allegations, which showed the children could not be relied on; he would have had great difficulty in committing the offences without being detected because of the crèche layout and the number of people passing through; there was a lack of any unsolicited complaint from children at the crèche about him; the sharing of information and rumour among crèche parents - some of whom were counsellors in abuse cases - after a psychologically disturbed parent made the first allegation late in 1991 had detrimentally affected consideration of the claims; the police had been selective in their use of complainants; and that two of the jurors either knew the mother of one of the child complainants or knew the Crown prosecutor in the case, which may have affected the premise of an objective and detached jury

2001-0314 - Evening Post - Ellis' lawyer vows to continue fight
Convicted child-abuser Peter Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett Kerr QC, has vowed to battle on to clear him after Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys' decision to decline his application for a pardon. She said possible options now included taking the case to the Privy Council in London or the Court of Human Rights in New York. Two earlier appeals to the Court of Appeal failed.

2001-0314 - Evening Post - 'Children 6, Ellis nil'
Parents of children sexually abused by convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis say the case should now be laid to rest. They were "delighted and relieved" by the findings of the inquiry conducted by former Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, upholding Ellis' convictions for abusing children in his care. Christie McDonald, QC, who represented parents and children involved in the Ellis case, said repeatedly raising the case had been of great concern

2001-0314 - Evening Post - Door closes on Ellis  
by Tracy Watkins - When convicted paedophile Peter Ellis walked out of prison a year ago, it was supposedly as a free man. But Ellis and supporters maintain his sentence for sexually abusing children at Christchurch civic crèche won't be over until his name has been cleared. This week the final door appeared to shut on those hopes. It was announced on Monday that Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had declined Ellis' appeal for a pardon.

2001-0314 - Waikato Times - Ellis to appeal
NZPA - Peter Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, has vowed to battle on to clear him of sex offence convictions after the Government's decision to decline his application for a pardon

2001-0314 - Waikato Times - Final door appears shut on Ellis' hopes to clear name   
NZPA - Mrs Ablett Kerr questioned the techniques used to gain evidence, the retraction of children's evidence, issues of trial procedure, issues to do with the jury and the non-disclosure of material to the defence. Ellis' mother Lesley is in no doubt of her son's innocence, however. When Ellis was still in prison, she said she never believed anything bad ever happened at the crèche while her son worked there.

2001-0314 - Otago Daily Times - Will not give up 'for convenience'  
by Sally Rae - Peter Ellis hopes Justice Minister Phil Goff will be brave enough to look at widening the inquiry into his case. Yesterday, Ellis heard his application for a pardon had been declined, the third time attempts to clear his name have failed. Ellis, who has always maintained his innocence, appears to have exhausted all avenues to clear his name...... With support from family, friends, fellow crèche workers and members of the public, Ellis said he could "dig deep enough" to go on.

2001-0314 - Otago Daily Times - Pardon denied but Ellis not defeated
by Sally Rae  - The battle to clear convicted sex offender Peter Ellis' name is not over, despite Minister of Justice Phil Goff's announcement yesterday he had advised the Governor-General to decline Ellis' application for a pardon.

2001-0314 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis' counsel studies options  
Police and social workers hailed the report as a "vindication" for them and Ellis' child victims, all of whom had been attacked by Ellis' defence team as lacking credibility. Child, Youth and Family's chief social worker Shannon Pakura said the focus should be on the former crèche children, now in their teens. "We shouldn't forget that they are the victims, not Ellis . . . I hope it will help them deal with any ongoing effects of the abuse they suffered."

2001-0314 - Otago Daily Times - Dunedin author to study report  
by Sally Rae - Dunedin author Lynley Hood will study the report of the ministerial inquiry into the Peter Ellis case and may add a few pages to her forthcoming book about the controversial crèche case. A City Possessed will be published by Longacre Press and released later this year

2001-0314 - NZ Herald - Editorial: Ellis Case has run it’s course
Editorial - Such have been the strong emotions raised by the Peter Ellis case that those who believe him innocent and those convinced of his guilt will surely never see eye to eye. Now, however, is the time to put the matter to rest. The Court of Appeal has twice reviewed his conviction for sexually abusing children in his care at the Christchurch civic crèche. Twice, it has upheld the jury's verdict. Now that verdict has effectively been upheld a third time by retired Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum. That should be the end of the matter

2001-0314 - NZ Herald - Ellis faces new abuse complaint
by Francesca Mold and Alison Horwood - A fresh complaint has been laid against convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis by a Christchurch teenager, TV One News said last night. Police last night refused to comment on allegations that a 17 to 18-year-old boy had made a "fresh disclosure" about actions dating back to the time the former Christchurch crèche worker was accused of interfering with children in his care.

2001-0314 - NZ Herald - Children's testimony vindicated in Ellis case
by Audreay Young - A ministerial inquiry finds no grounds to set aside Peter Ellis' child abuse convictions and pardon him. Audreay Young reports. Peter Ellis has lost what is essentially a de facto third appeal against convictions for mass child abuse. His 1993 convictions for child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Crèche are thoroughly safe, according to former chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, who released the results of his inquiry into the case yesterday

2001-0314 - Government - Wider Inquiry Claim Wrong
by Phil Goff - Justice Minister Phil Goff says counsel for Peter Ellis, Judith Ablett Kerr QC, has misconstrued the comments of one of the experts used in the Ministerial Inquiry suggesting he said a wider inquiry was required. "Mrs Ablett Kerr has got it wrong claiming Professor Graham Davies of Leicester University advised a broader inquiry was needed. "Professor Davies said in the report there were issues beyond his remit relating to details of evidence which the wider inquiry may wish to consider," Mr Goff said. The Minister said in its context, however, the reference to 'the wider inquiry' meant the inquiry by former Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum.

2001-0314 - Stuff - Ellis' lawyer vows to continue fight to clear his name
NZPA - Peter Ellis' lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, has vowed to battle on to clear him of his sex offence convictions after the Government's decision to decline his application for a pardon. She said possible options now included taking the case to the Privy Council in London or the Court of Human Rights in New York. Two earlier appeals to the Court of Appeal have failed.

2001-0314 - The Press - Inquiry delivers blow to Ellis
Staff Reporters - Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis has been dealt what could be a knockout blow in his battle to overturn his convictions and clear his name. Justice Minister Phil Goff yesterday announced that Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys had on his advice rejected Ellis' third bid for a pardon. The case began at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre, where Ellis worked, almost 10 years ago and has since gone through a High Court trial, two Court of Appeal proceedings, and finally last year a Ministerial Inquiry.

2001-0314 - The Press - Police action 'vindicated'  
by Staff Reporters - Sir Thomas Eichelbaum's report on the Ellis case has left crèche parents, police, and other groups feeling vindicated. Acting Police Commissioner Paul Fitzharris yesterday welcomed Sir Thomas's findings, which rejected Ellis's contention that his convictions on charges that he abused children at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre were unsafe. "It's nice to have the actions of our officers and staff of our partner agency (Child, Youth and Family) vindicated by independent experts and a Ministerial Inquiry," Mr Fitzharris said. "We have always believed that police staff acted in a professional manner throughout this case.

2001-0314 - The Press - Peter Ellis Chronology
by Staff Reporters - Dec 91.....Ellis suspended from the Civic Childcare Centre after one woman claimed her son had been sexually abused by him. …. June 93.....Ellis found guilty of 16 out of 25 charges of abusing children in his care. Sentenced to 10 years jail….

2001-0314 - The Dominion - Inquiry leaves Ellis tired but unbowed
by Alan Samson -
Crèche worker Peter Ellis's hopes of a pardon were ended by the findings of a government-ordered inquiry yesterday. Alan Samson reports.
Christchurch Civic Crèche worker Peter Ellis was suspended in 1991 after a complaint by a mother arising from a comment made by her son about "Peter's black penis". In initial interviews, none of the children concerned made any allegations of sexual offending and, at one stage, police told the crèche management the inquiry was over.

2001-0314 - The Dominion - Ellis, denied pardon, vows to fight on
by Alan Samson -
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis maintained his innocence and vowed to keep fighting yesterday after his application for a pardon was declined. The rejection by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys, on the advice of Justice Minister Phil Goff, followed findings by former chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum in a ministerial inquiry that contamination of evidence had not been sufficient to put Ellis's convictions into question. Mr Goff said yesterday that his decision had been based on the report findings, which he agreed with.

2001-0313 - Stuff - Ellis pardon turned down  
NZPA - The Governor-General has turned down Peter Ellis's application for a pardon, Justice Minister Phil Goff said this afternoon. His decision was based on a report by former Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum

2001-0313 - CYF - Child, Youth And Family Interviewers Vindicated
The professionalism of Child, Youth and Family’s evidential interviewers in the Christchurch civic crèche case has been strongly upheld by the Eichelbaum report, says chief social worker Shannon Pakura. “One of Child, Youth and Family’s key roles in the case was to interview the children about what had happened to them. Police then studied the evidence gathered before making a decision whether to prosecute. “Child, Youth and Family interviewers, then and now, are always very aware of the need to gather evidence carefully so that the process is not unfair to an alleged offender. “The Eichelbaum report shows two eminent international experts were clear that our interviewers in the civic crèche case did their jobs to a high standard. It is a tribute to their professionalism and the compassion they bring to their jobs.”

2001-0313 - National Radio - Checkpoint  
An interview with Phil Goff and Gaye Davidson. Reaction to the Justice Minister (Phil Goff) turning down Peter Ellis's third bid for a pardon.  Goff refers to the Eichelbaum report and the expert advisors for that report, Louise Sas and Graham Davies.  Gaye Davidson suggests that it is not the end of the road for Peter Ellis, and that he will make it in the end.

2001-0313 - NZ Herald - Ellis vows to keep fighting despite pardon refusal
Peter Ellis and his supporters have vowed to continue the battle to clear his name of child abuse convictions in spite of the refusal to grant him a pardon

2001-0313 - NZ Herald - Governor General turns down Ellis pardon
The Governor General has rejected Peter Ellis’ application for a pardon, Justice Minister Phil Goff announced today. Mr Goff said he had advised the Governor General that the application be declined based on Retired Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum’s report into the Ellis case. The Eichelbaum report, also released today, concluded that the case for a pardon had failed to prove that the convictions were unsafe

2001-0313 - NZ Police -  Report endorses investigation professionalism
Police welcome the findings of the Eichelbaum Report on the investigation into the Ellis case, said Acting Commissioner Paul Fitzharris. “Investigations into suspected child abuse cases are difficult and very stressful for the victims and the Police officers involved. We have always believed Police staff acted in a professional manner throughout this case,” said Mr Fitzharris.

2001-0313 - TV One News - Ellis Pardon Declined
Convicted child sex abuser Peter Ellis has lost what may be his final bid for a pardon. Justice Minister Phil Goff declined the third application for a pardon after a Ministerial Inquiry by the former Chief Justice, Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, which lasted almost a year. Ellis, 41, was released from prison last year after serving more than six years of a 10 year sentence after being found guilty on 13 charges in 1993 of sexually abusing children in his care at the Christchurch Civic Crèche.

2001-0313 - TV One News - No Pardon For Peter Ellis
Convicted child molester Peter Ellis will not be getting a pardon from the Governor General. A year-long ministerial inquiry has found the former Christchurch crèche worker did get a fair trial

2001-0313 - Govt Press Release - Justice Ministry On Ellis Inquiry
NZ Government Press Release by Minister of Justice Phil Goff – The Governor-General has declined Mr Peter Ellis' application for a pardon, the Minister of Justice Phil Goff announced today. The Minister also released a copy of the Report of the Ministerial Inquiry into the Peter Ellis case, by former Chief Justice the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Eichelbaum

2001-0313 - The Press - Ellis ministerial inquiry decision to be released  
The results of a ministerial inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis on child sex charges will be made public today. Justice Minister Phil Goff will release the findings this afternoon. Ellis has travelled to Dunedin to be with his lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, when she receives the advice of the Governor-General, in relation to his third petition. Mr Goff confirmed last week that he had seen the report of retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, but wanted those involved to read it before it was made public.

2001-0313 - Dominion - Decision time today on Ellis pardon plea
Former Christchurch Civic Crèche worker Peter Ellis will know today whether he is to be pardoned after an eight-year battle against his convictions for child abuse. Neither Ellis, who served seven years for 13 abuse charges, nor his supporters are confident, mainly because Justice Minister Phil Goff opted for a narrow ministerial inquiry into interviewing techniques, rather than a full commission of inquiry

2001-0313 - Evening Post - Ellis report due
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis is due to be in Dunedin today with his counsel, Judith Ablett Kerr QC, to receive the report of the ministerial inquiry into his case. Last week, Justice Minister Phil Goff confirmed he had seen the report which would be publicly released this week

2001-0313 - Waikato Times - Ellis report due
Convicted child abuser Peter Ellis was in Dunedin today with his counsel Judith Ablett Kerr QC to receive the report of the ministerial inquiry into his case. Last week, Justice Minister Phil Goff confirmed he had seen the report which would be publicly released this week.

2001-0313 - TV One News - Ellis Inquiry Announcement Expected
Justice Minister Phil Goff is expect on Tuesday afternoon to release the findings of a Ministerial Inquiry into the investigation of convicted child sex abuser Peter Ellis. The inquiry, headed by retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, is focused on whether the way evidence gathered to convict Ellis was obtained in a sound manner

2001-0313 - Stuff - Ellis ministerial inquiry decision to be released
The results of a ministerial inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis on child sex charges will be made public today. Justice Minister Phil Goff will release the findings this afternoon. Ellis has travelled to Dunedin to be with his lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, when she receives the advice of the Governor-General, in relation to his third petition. Mr Goff confirmed last week that he had seen the report of retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, but wanted those involved to read it before it was made public.

2001-0313 - Otago Daily Times - Report out today on Ellis case
by Sally Rae - Peter Ellis will be in Dunedin today with his counsel Judith Ablett Kerr QC to receive the report of the ministerial inquiry into his case. Last week, Justice Minister Phil Goff confirmed he had seen the report, which would be publicly released this week. The report was expected to be released today.

2001-0306 - Otago Daily Times - Goff receives inquiry's report on Peter Ellis case
NZPA - Justice Minister Phil Goff has received the report of the ministerial inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. Mr Goff confirmed yesterday he had seen the report, which would be circulated to interested parties before it was publicly released next week. Retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum had been due to report last August but the time was extended to

2001-0306 - NZ Herald - Goff gets Ellis report
Justice Minister Phil Goff has received the report of the ministerial inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. Mr Goff said yesterday that he had seen the report, which would be shown to interested parties before it was publicly released next week

2001-0306 - Dominion - Report on inquiry into Ellis case with Government
Justice Minister Phil Goff has received the report of the ministerial inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. Mr Goff confirmed yesterday that he had seen the report which would be circulated to interested parties before it was made public next week. Retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum had been due to report last August but the time was extended to February.

2001-0306 - The Press - Goff given Ellis report
Justice Minister Phil Goff has received the report of the ministerial inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. Mr Goff confirmed yesterday that he had seen the report, which would be circulated to interested parties before it was publicly released next week. Retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum had been due to report last August but the time was extended to February this year.

2001-0303 - Dominion - Ellis not holding his breath for a pardon
by David McLoughlin - Former Christchurch Civic Crèche worker Peter Ellis may know within two weeks if the fight against his convictions for abusing young children in his care will result in a pardon. But he is not holding his breath that he will get one……But Mr Goff opted for a narrow ministerial inquiry into interviewing techniques, rather than a full commission of inquiry. Because of this, neither Mr Ellis nor his supporters are optimistic that Sir Thomas will find in his favour

2001-0116 - Otago Daily Times - Withdrawn Ellis book still listed
NZPA - Canterbury University Press is still promoting a book on the controversial Peter Ellis child-sex case that it is no longer publishing after a fallout with the author. The publisher's web site lists Dunedin author Lynley Hood's latest book, A City Possessed , among its new titles and allows readers to pre-order copies.

2001-0115 - The Press - Varsity press still listing withdrawn Ellis book
by Yvonne Martin - Canterbury University Press is still promoting a book on the controversial Peter Ellis child-sex case that it is no longer publishing after a fallout with the author. The publisher's website lists Dunedin author Lynley Hood's latest book, A City Possessed, among its new titles and allows readers to pre-order copies. The listing continues despite Canterbury University Press (CUP) saying before Christmas that the book was about to be removed from the website.