The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports

2001 Jan-June

One News
Mar 13, 2001

Ellis inquiry announcement expected

Justice Minister Phil Goff is expected on Tuesday afternoon to release the findings of a Ministerial Inquiry into the investigation of convicted child sex abuser Peter Ellis. The inquiry, headed by retired chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, is focused on whether the way evidence gathered to convict Ellis was obtained in a sound manner.


Sir Thomas has been examining the police interviewing techniques used with children in the case and the possible contamination of evidence.


Ellis, 41, spent six-and-a-half years in jail after being found guilty on 13 charges in 1993 of sexually abusing children in his care at the Christchurch Civic Crèche. He has always maintained his innocence and was released from jail in February 2000.