The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports

2001 Jan-June

The Evening Post
March 14 2001

'Children 6, Ellis nil'

Parents of children sexually abused by convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis say the case should now be laid to rest.

They were "delighted and relieved" by the findings of the inquiry conducted by former Chief Justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, upholding Ellis' convictions for abusing children in his care.

Christie McDonald, QC, who represented parents and children involved in the Ellis case, said repeatedly raising the case had been of great concern.

"The reliability of their children's evidence has been confirmed and they are pleased with that."

One parent said today: "He's had a High Court trial, two appearances before the Court of Appeal, two petitions to the Governor-General for a pardon, and now a Ministerial inquiry. He's lost all of them. So as far as we're concerned the scoreline is children 6, convicted paedophile nil."