The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports

2001 Jan-June

The Press
March 14 2001

Peter Ellis Chronology
Staff Reporters

Dec 91.....Ellis suspended from the Civic Childcare Centre after one woman claimed her son had been sexually abused by him.

June 93.....Ellis found guilty of 16 out of 25 charges of abusing children in his care. Sentenced to 10 years jail.

Sept 94.....Court of Appeal rejects Ellis' appeal.

June 95.....Government rejects call for inquiry.

Dec 97.......Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, files first petition to the Governor-General seeking pardon for Ellis.

March 98...Parole for Ellis considered but rejected.

Nov 98........Mrs Ablett-Kerr files second petition to the Governor-General seeking pardon, a widening of the terms of appeal, and a Royal commission of inquiry into the case.

May 99.........Governor-General declines pardon but grants request to widen terms of appeal.

July 99..........Appeal hearing begins. Ellis now 41.

Oct 99............Appeal Court turns down second appeal but recommends a commission of inquiry to investigate aspects of the case.

Feb 00..........Ellis released from Paparua prison.

March 00.....Justice Minister Phil Goff announces ministerial inquiry into the reliability of childrenŐs evidence.

March 01......Report of the ministerial inquiry is released.