The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports

2001 Jan-June

Otago Daily Times
March 19, 2001

Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor
by R.E.Mawson, Mosgiel

The children involved in the Peter Ellis Christchurch Civic creche case have clearly been abused. If they have not been sexually abused by Mr Ellis, as seems obvious, despite the latest "investigation", then they have been emotionally and psychologically abused by the New Zealand justice system which continues to encourage them to believe that they have been sexually abused.

To pardon Peter Ellis is to find the system guilty. Perhaps this is the reason for the narrowness of the inquiry which gave the Ministry of Justice the answer it wanted. If this case requires a royal commission to look at all the evidence, rather than the small amount on which the convictions were based, then let's get on with it.