The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

The Press
July 6, 2002

Letter to the Editor
by D.J.Round, Diamond Harbour

Fresh from crucifying Peter Ellis, we now embark on another witch-hunt, one fuelled just as much by anti- Catholic feeling, and Press language more appropriate to Steven King novels, as by evidence.

Crimes against children are inexcusable, and publicising them may well be necessary. That does not justify attacking the structures of the Church and misusing these tragedies to promote other agendas regarding clerical celibacy and the ordination of women. Many Catholics strongly support the Church's teaching on these issues, and they should be debated (if at all) on their own merits.

Justice towards the Church as a whole requires that it not be judged by the human failings of some of its members. Innumerable New Zealanders, myself included, are eternally grateful to the religious who gave their lives to educate them and care for them in various ways. As the welfare State declines we might even need them again.