The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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This page last updated March 12 2007

2002-1214 - Dominion Post - A bastion of objectivity
by Peter Agnew - But the public cannot revoke or amend a judgment handed down by our courts. Such judgments can be appealed only and as the history of the Peter Ellis case so clearly demonstrates, our Court of Appeal tends to put the reputation of its judicial colleagues ahead of doing justice.

2002-1208 - Sunday Star Times - ACC Bonus? 
by Mel Tapp -
I have followed with great interest your articles on ACC and its meanness to some "stock". Can you tell me is this the same ACC that at the time of the Peter Ellis case in Christchurch went around handing out claim forms and advising people how to claim $10,000 for alleged sexual abuse?

2002-1123 - NZ Listener - Abuser and abused - Letter by Lynley Hood       Added March 2007
Lynley Hood sets the record straight regarding statistics from the Otago Women's health
survey. Apart from a minority of the most severely abused group, all the other women who reported childhood sexual abuse were no different in terms of adult mental health from those who reported no childhood sexual abuse. The minority who had mental health problems - most had experienced some combination of physical, emotional or sexual abuse - but it was impossible to separate out the relative significance of the different forms of abuse:

John Read’s glib use (Letters, November 16) of a “New Zealand survey published in the Lancet and the British Journal of Psychiatry” demands closer scrutiny. The survey data was collected by the notoriously unreliable method of retrospective self-reporting…………….. No clear relationship was found between the type of abuse suffered and the symptoms displayed. The researchers concluded: “The message for therapists is that when evaluating the relevance of childhood abuse to beware of exclusive, or potentially exaggerated focus on the traumas of sexual abuse which may obscure both the relevance of other forms of abuse and the unfolding of other damaging developmental influences.

2002-1116 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - John Read
Lynley Hood's only response (Letters, November 2) to my disagreeing with her personal opinions about child abuse is to hurl nasty adjectives such as "grotesque", "irresponsible" and "vindictive". However, two correspondents point out that I may have misunderstood one of Hood's assertions. .... If I was wrong, I apologise to Lynley Hood.

2002-1103 - Sunday Star Times - Creche Case 
by Richard Christie - Phil Goff recently responded to many who have written to him with concerns in the wake of Lynley Hood's award-winning book on the Christchurch creche case.  Goff’s spin is that International experts found the convictions safe.  The experts did not reach the conclusion that the convictions were safe

2002-1102 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - Lynley Hood
John Read's grotesque misrepresentation of my comments on sex abuse hysteria graphically illustrates the problems faced by anyone who calls for rational discussion of the issue.

2002-1102 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - Kerr Inkson
Dr John Read’s one-eyed excoriation of Lynley Hood is a good demonstration of the process of demonising more and more "witches". Sexual abuse is a major problem that we all need to do everything in our power to oppose. This opposition is not assisted by those who continue, in the interests of "increasing our awareness" to defend the pillorying of the innocent along with the guilty. Hood's meticulously researched book shows clearly that there is no real evidence that Peter Ellis is a child abuser. Her case is, so far, unanswered and appears unanswerable. It shows serious inadequacies in the legal processes through which Ellis was convicted. Witch-hunters would do us a better service if they could show us any flaws in Hood's research.

2002-1102 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - Alan Wilkinson
Lynley Hood said nothing about school teachers who have sex with students  ~~  John Read also claimed  ~~~  Nobody wishes to see child abuse protected or overlooked. But false accusations (and bureaucratic and professional incompetence) must be relentlessly exposed to preserve liberty, justice and a free society.

2002-1102 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - David Shapcott
Reading Lynley Hood's "How to stop a witch-hunt" (New Writing, October 19) and then her book A City Possessed is rather like ploughing through a Marxist text. Once the style has been picked up, anyone could run the subsequent examples and recommendations through her theory and rhetoric and pour out the writings for her.

2002-1025 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - John Read  
by John Read -
Lynley Hood has finally revealed (New Writing, October 19) the extreme bias that is usually so well concealed behind her public persona of objective, scholarly investigator. In trying to convince us that what she (objectively?) calls "the sexual abuse hysteria" is still ongoing today, she cites some intriguing examples.  She continues her unending calls for yet another inquiry into the one sexual abuse case from which she generates her woefully prejudiced attacks on those New Zealanders who try to increase our awareness of the problem or assist the thousands who have been abused.

2002-1025 - NZ Listener - Letters to the Editor - Randall McDonnell
by Randall McDonnell -
I find it difficult to understand how Ellis could have forced himself on so many victims but never left any evidence. Were samples taken? If not, why not? If nothing was found, then surely forensic science indicates that it is extremely unlikely that abuse happened and the just and logical conclusion is that the allegations arose out of hysteria.

2002-1019 - NZ Listener - How to stop a witchhunt   
by Lynley
Hood - In this abridged version of her address to this year's Skeptics Conference, author Lynley Hood makes the case for not allowing the Peter Ellis story to die. - I've just received my first bad review for A City Possessed. It was written by Val Sim, Chief Legal Counsel for the Ministry of Justice, on the instructions of Phil Goff. When he released the review, Goff said he had read “significant parts” of A City Possessed and had found it well argued and researched, and quite compelling. “Anyone who looked at the case, and the circumstances of the case, would not be objective if they did not feel unease about the atmosphere that existed and some aspects of the case,” he said. But he added that questions of guilt or innocence are not for authors or politicians to decide

2002-0930 - Critic (Otago Students Assn) - Peter's Black Penis  
A City Possessed puts the Ellis case against a tumultuous backdrop: Christchurch, a city infected by a witch-hunt fever; local police officers obsessed with uncovering the (most probably mythical) Great Christchurch Child Pornography Ring; and, a nationwide sexual abuse and counseling industry hijacked by feminists of the “all men are rapists” variety. To add to that, Hood chronicles the changes in sexual abuse legislation during the 1980s that led to the elevation of child abuse to the status of crimen exceptum – “a crime distinct from all others”. The background information, some of which readers will find debatable – one Critic reader who came into the office last week called Lynley Hood New Zealand’s Camille Paglia - is a welcome contextual primer for the evidence to come. And it’s that evidence (much of which was presented during the original court appearance of Ellis and the Crèche women), and the accompanying analysis which makes A City Possessed so compelling.

2002-0914 - Press - Author sets sights on justice dept
by Martin Van Beynen - Author Lynley Hood will deliver a stinging attack today on the way the Ministry of Justice has dealt with her book on the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Her award-winning book A City Possessed, published last October, has sparked a flurry of calls for Justice Minister Phil Goff to further review the case and to pardon former creche worker Peter Ellis. In an address to the Skeptics Conference today, Ms Hood is expected to attack a report by the Justice Ministry's senior counsel Val Sim which dismissed her book as containing nothing new.

2002-0914 - Skeptics Conference - How to stop a witch hunt
by Lynley Hood -
Three weeks ago I received my first bad review of A City Possessed. It was written by Val Sim, Chief Legal Counsel for the Ministry of Justice, on the instructions of Phil Goff. I thought, ‘Well, we can all have a good laugh about this at the Skeptics Conference.’

2002-0906 - The Press - A City Possessed  
by D Hudson -
Colin Eades' belief (August 28), that Lynley Hood interviewed only those who would give the answers she wanted puts him in a similar arena, that many people have faced, when police will interview and use only witnesses that give them the answers they want for prosecution. ….Lynley Hood has gathered all the evidence that was available from both sides of the controversy, impartially. If the jury had been given such an impartial compilation of evidence it may have delivered a totally different verdict. In fact, it may have been decided that there was not even a case to try.

2002-0905 - Dominion Post - No help from Ellis for police
by Richard Trow - Peter Ellis does not trust police to conduct a fair inquiry into new claims of child abuse and refuses to cooperate, his lawyer says

2002-0905 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis No To Interview
by Gail Goodger,   Peter Ellis will not voluntarily be interviewed by police about the latest allegation of historic child abuse, because co-operating previously had left him "with no confidence in the process", his Dunedin lawyer says

2002-0905 - Press - Ellis Refuses To Cooperate With Police
Police are getting little help from Peter Ellis as they investigate another complaint against him.

2002-0902 - Dominion Post - Seeking consensus
by Lynley Hood - Contrary to the impression given by your article Author steps up call for Ellis pardon (August 26) I am not an advocate for Peter Ellis or anyone else involved in the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Nor am
I conducting a political campaign. All I am doing is inviting people to read A City Possessed and make up their own minds about the issues raised.

2002-0828 - The Press - A City Possessed
Letter by Colin Eade:   
I was a member of the team that investigated Peter Ellis. I met Lynley Hood, author of A City Possessed, just after his trial. She had already taken a position that Ellis was innocent, as had most of the media. Hood went on to produce a book where anything done by the victims and families were suspicious, while everything done by Ellis could easily be explained

Reply by Lynley Hood:   
An account of my repeated attempts to interview the complainant parents, and of my meeting Colin Eade, can be found in chapter one of A City Possessed. Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions

2002-0826 - Waikato Times - Ellis speaks out
Peter Ellis says the Justice Ministry's dismissal of Lynley Hood's book on the Christchurch City Creche sex-abuse case is "a slap in the face to the people of New Zealand".

2002-0826 - Otago Daily Times - Dismissal of book a `slap in the face': Ellis
Peter Ellis says the Ministry of Justice's dismissal of Lynley Hood's book on the Christchurch City Creche sex-abuse case is "a slap in the face to the people of New Zealand". The ministry's chief legal counsel, Val Sim, was asked to assess whether the award-winning book, A City Possessed , might indicate a need to reopen the case of the convicted sex offender. Ms Sim said the book presented "very little new information", and all points raised had been considered by previous courts and inquiries.

2002-0826 - Dominion Post - Author steps up call for Ellis pardon          
by David McLoughlin -  Dunedin author Lynley Hood is seeking cross-party parliamentary support for her call for Justice Minister Phil Goff to hold a royal commission of inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case.  Hood said yesterday she was heartened by Mr Goff's description of her award-winning book on the case as "compelling" despite Justice Ministry lawyer Val Sim dismissing it as containing little new information

2002-0826 - Press - Ellis slams refusal to act on prize-winning book
Peter Ellis says the Ministry of Justice's dismissal of Lynley Hood's book on the Christchurch Civic Creche sex-abuse case is "a slap in the face to the people of New Zealand". The ministry's chief legal counsel, Val Sim, was asked to assess whether the award-winning book, A City Possessed, might indicate a need to reopen the case of convicted sex offender Peter Ellis. Ms Sim said the book presented "very little new information", and all points raised had been considered by previous courts and inquiries. But Mr Ellis, 44, last night told The Press the review was a case of "the powers-that-be looking after themselves".

2002-0824 - The Press - Creche book dismissed          
by Martin Van Beynen - Glittering prizes and academic praise have failed to sway the Ministry of Justice's top lawyer about Lynley Hood's book on the Christchurch City Creche case. The Ministry's chief legal counsel, Val Sim, was asked by Justice Minister Phil Goff to report on whether A City Possessed disclosed any new information which might point to the need for further inquiry into "the Peter Ellis case".

2002-0824 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis book rejected by officials          
NZPA - Public approval, glittering prizes and academic praise have failed to sway the Ministry of Justice's top lawyers about Lynley Hood's book on the Christchurch City Creche case. The ministry's chief legal counsel, Val Sim, was asked by Justice Minister Phil Goff to report on whether A City Possessed disclosed any new information which might point to the need for further inquiry into "the Peter Ellis case". Ms Sim's report, released under the Official Information Act yesterday, finds nothing in the book to upset an inquiry by Sir Thomas Eichelbaum in 2000 which confirmed the reliability of the evidence against Ellis.

2002-0824 - Dominion Post - Justice report rejects book on Ellis case
by David McLoughlin - Justice Minister Phil Goff
says he is keeping an open mind on whether former childcare worker Peter Ellis is guilty of child abuse despite a Justice Ministry report dismissing Lynley Hood's award-winning book on the case. Mr Goff said yesterday that nothing was worse than sending an innocent person to jail. But nothing in Hood's book, A City Possessed, gave him grounds to overturn the findings of the High Court, the Court of Appeal and former chief justice Sir Thomas Eichelbaum that Ellis was guilty of abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche. Mr Goff was commenting on a review of the book done for him by Justice Ministry chief legal counsel Val Sim

2002-0810 - The Press - Parallels In Cases        
British author who was instrumental in clearing the name of two English creche workers accused of abuse is not the least surprised about parallels with the Christchurch creche case. Richard Webster combined with investigative journalist Bob Woffinden in 1998 to help Newcastle creche workers Dawn Reed and Chris Lillie fight a 1998 council report which found them guilty of child abuse. A British court last week found the two were the victims of a shocking miscarriage of justice. Mr Webster the case had all the hallmarks of abuse scares overseas including the Peter Ellis case in Christchurch

2002-0805 -Dominion Post - New allegations still to be put to creche pair
by David McLoughlin - Christchurch police are yet to speak to former Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis and former creche supervisor Gaye Davidson about "new" allegations of child abuse believed to date from a decade ago.
Ellis said yesterday that one of the detectives who asked him more than a fortnight ago to visit the police station with his lawyer had now gone overseas for three weeks, but wanted to see him on his return.

2002-0804 - Sunday Star Times - Creche case New Zealand's shame
by Gordon Waugh - Frank Haden didn't go nearly far enough (July 28) - Christchurch's shame over the creche case is New Zealand's shame. Worse, it is parliament's shame.
The evidence in Lynley Hood's book is compelling, but politicians seemingly lack the moral courage to rectify this dreadful miscarriage of justice.

2002-0804 - Sunday Star Times - Creche Bandwagon
by Gregory Mutch - Frank Haden's
column on the creche case is most compelling. He has, no doubt, also reflected on the populist bandwagonners who once melodramatically ridiculed Peter Ellis.

2002-0802 - The Press - Creche Case        
by Elizabeth Smyth - The front-page story (July 22) regarding the allegations by Peter Ellis, Gaye Davidson, and Lynley Hood that the creche inquiry has reopened smacks somewhat of the hysteria that they have doggedly criticised

2002-0802 - The Press - Creche Case
by Richard Christie - Lynley Hood's seminal work A City Possessed has deservedly been given a prize in the Montana Book Awards. Immediately before publication and again on the eve of the book taking first prize, allegations against Peter Ellis and creche workers reappeared in the media. The timing of these reports raises speculation as to whether this is a coincidence or is indicative of a strategy to divert attention away from the issues the book raises.

Response by Police - ….Police investigations must be impartial and independent of external factors if they are to be and seen to be fair and honest. It is sometimes a difficult path we tread

2002-0729 - Otago Daily Times - First task for Prime Minister        
by Ian Morgan - Assuming that Labour is re-elected, the first task for Helen Clark is to replace a non-performing Minister of Justice. I have written several times to both Phil Goff and the Prime Minister setting out my concerns at the injustice to Peter Ellis and giving the reasons why Ellis is completely innocent, and this well before A City Possessed was published

2002-0725 - Press - Fresh Ellis trial not likely, expert says
by Martin Van Beynen - A fresh prosecution
against convicted creche worker Peter Ellis is highly unlikely, a criminal law expert says. Christchurch detectives are again trying to interview Peter Ellis and former creche workers about a new allegation of abuse at the Christchurch civic creche which closed in 1992.  It is understood the allegations come from a person in his late teens who attended the creche while Ellis worked there between 1986 and 1991 and who has since been in therapy.

2002-0724 - Southland Times - Book on Ellis case
by A J Lemm - Congratulations
must go to Lynley Hood on being the overall winner of the Montana book award with A City Possessed, which covers the conviction of Peter Ellis in the Christchurch Civic Creche case. This book details how this fiasco came about and gives an insight into those involved

2002-0723 - Southland Times - A case worth revisiting          
Peter Ellis is either one of the most prolific serial child sex offenders in New Zealand history or one of its most unfortunate scapegoats, a victim of a Salem-style witch-hunt. Either way his case warrants a Royal Commission investigation. Only a full public hearing conducted with authority and expertise can lay to rest a continuing level of public unease about the fairness of the trial he received and the sentence he has already served.

2002-0723 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis and other former creche workers questioned by police          
NZPA - Christchurch: Award-winning author Lynley Hood says she is suspicious of police "harassing and intimidating" former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis. Ellis said police knocked on his door last Wednesday night regarding an historic abuse allegation. He said yesterday he felt harassed and intimidated

2002-0722 - Otago Daily Times - Award win backs Ellis inquiry call, author says        
by Joanna Norris and NZPA -  Recognition at New Zealand's premier book awards shows a ground-swell of support for an inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis, triumphant Dunedin author Lynley Hood said last night. Hood, author of A City Possessed , won the Montana non-fiction book award worth $10,000 at a ceremony in Auckland on Saturday.

2002-0722 - Dominion Post - Creche 'nightmare' returns          
by David McLoughlin -  Former Christchurch Civic Creche supervisor Gaye Davidson says the reopening of the child abuse case a decade on is a nightmare that she can barely believe. Police want to talk to Ms Davidson as well as childcare worker Peter Ellis about fresh allegations of abuse dating from the time Ellis worked at the creche from 1986 till 1991.

2002-0722 - Dominion Post - Civic creche case book wins top Montana award          
NZPA - A City Possessed, a controversial book about the Christchurch Civic Creche case, has won New Zealand's premier literary award. Dunedin author Lynley Hood won the Montana non-fiction book award worth $10,000 for the work. The 600-page book gives an account of the controversial Christchurch Civic Creche case, which led to the jailing of creche worker Peter Ellis in 1993 on child abuse charges. Hood has called for a royal commission into the case.

2002-0722 - The Press - Books award adds fuel to creche case inquiry
The triumph of A City Possessed in the Montana New Zealand Book Awards adds fuel to calls for a Royal Commission of inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case. So says Dunedin author Lynley Hood, whose 600-page account of the controversial case won the premier literary award at the weekend.  A City Possessed headed both the Montana non-fiction and history categories, worth a total of $15,000.

2002-0722 - Stuff - Ellis appeals to Clark, Goff to read Hood's book   
Prime Minister Helen Clark and Justice Minister Phil Goff should read Lynley Hood's prize-winning book A City Possessed, former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis said today.

2002-0722 - Waikato Times - Police in firing line over Ellis
Award-winning author Lynley Hood says she is suspicious of police "harassing and intimidating" former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis. Ellis said police knocked on his door last Wednesday night about an historic abuse allegation. He said today he felt harassed and intimidated. Ellis, who has always protested his innocence, was paroled from prison in February 2000 after serving 6 1/2 years for abusing seven children in his care at the creche

2002-0722 - Waikato Times - Ellis case: ex-colleague hits back
NZPA - A former supervisor
of the Christchurch Civic Creche is terrified of being implicated in another child abuse scandal -- but says she has nothing to hide. Gaye Davidson has been asked to contact police probing new allegations of historic sexual abuse at the creche. Business cards from two Christchurch detectives were last week left at her front door. The same detectives have also visited former creche worker Peter Ellis to request an interview over an abuse allegation dating back more than 10 years.

2002-0722 - Stuff - Hood suspicious of police 'harassing' Ellis
Award-winning author Lynley Hood says she is suspicious of police "harassing and intimidating" former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis. Ellis said police knocked on his door last Wednesday night regarding an historic abuse allegation. He said today he felt harassed and intimidated. Ellis, who has always protested his innocence, was paroled from prison in February 2000 after serving 6½ years for abusing seven children in his care at the creche. A book about the creche case -- A City Possessed -- won the Montana New Zealand Book Award's top prize in Auckland on Saturday night.

2002-0722 - Press - Creche inquiry reopens
by Matt Conway - A former supervisor of the Christchurch Civic Creche is terrified of being implicated in another child abuse scandal -- but says she has nothing to hide.
Gaye Davidson has been asked to contact police probing new allegations of historic sexual abuse at the creche.  Business cards from two Christchurch detectives were last week left at her front door.

2002-0722 - Newstalk ZB - Ellis outrage at silence over book   
Peter Ellis amazed and outrage at silent response to a book about his case. Convicted child-abuser Peter Ellis says the silence surrounding a book about his case is outrageous

2002-0721 - Newstalk ZB - Creche case book wins   
Controversial book takes big prize at Montana Awards- book on Peter Ellis case wins non-fiction category for author Lynley Hood. A controversial book has taken out one of the big prizes at this year's Montana Book Awards in Auckland. Dunedin author Lynley Hood's book A City Possessed, on the Christchurch Civic Creche case, has won the Montana medal for non-fiction.

2002-0721 - Sunday Star Times - Just sort it out, Ellis tells sex case cops
by Kim Knight, and Deidre Mussen  -
Peter Ellis says renewed police investigations into historic allegations of sex abuse at the Christchurch Civic Creche have made him feel like he's on a bungy rope. Ellis, 44, said police would not give him details of the allegation or who laid it, only that it was an historical allegation.

2002-0721 - One News - Author writes off Ellis allegations       
The author of an award-winning book about the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case says she believes fresh allegations against Peter Ellis are just recycled claims. Ellis spent seven years in jail for abusing children while he worked at the creche. Police have visited the convicted sex offender's home to inform him of new allegations. Lynley Hood - whose book, "A City Possessed", is critical of the case against Ellis - says police raise similar claims every time questions about the former creche worker's guilt resurface in the public arena.

2002-0720 - One News - Ellis faces sex allegation probe       
Police want to question convicted sex offender Peter Ellis over another allegation. Ellis has already spent seven years in jail for abusing children while he worked at a Christchurch creche. A visit by police to Ellis' home this week has raised the prospect of a further allegation. Ellis said police would not give him many details

2002-0720 - One News - Ellis faces fresh questioning       
The police want to talk to convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis about new allegations against him. Two police officers called at his home on Wednesday and asked that he make a time with his lawyer to go the police station to answer questions.

2002-0720 - Herald - Hoods Civic Creche book wins top Montana Award
A City Possessed, a controversial book about the Christchurch Civic Creche case, has won New Zealand's premier literary award. Dunedin author Lynley Hood won the Montana non-fiction book award worth $10,000 for the work.

2002-0720 - Dominion Post - Fresh creche abuse claims
by David McLoughlin - Police want to talk
to Peter Ellis about fresh allegations of sexual abuse of children dating from the time he worked at the Christchurch Civic Creche more than a decade ago. Two detectives visited Ellis at his Christchurch home on Wednesday evening to ask him to arrange a time for him and lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, to see them at the police station. It is understood the allegations come from a person in their late teens who attended the creche while Ellis worked there between 1986 and 1991 and who has since been in therapy. The police move comes on the eve of Dunedin writer Lynley Hood's book on the case, A City Possessed, being a prime contender for a Montana book awards prize at a ceremony in Auckland tonight.

2002-0719 - NBR - Hager they come, Hager they fall
by Deborah Hill-Cone - When Lynley Hood was researching her acclaimed book A City Possessed, I hear from sources, she asked Nicky Hager for suggestions on how to get hold of confidential government reports...........Hager cautioned Hood against rocking the boat, saying questioning the reliability of abuse memories would be extremely upsetting for the victims.

2002-0706 - The Press - Crucifying Peter Ellis 
by D J Round -
Fresh from crucifying Peter Ellis, we now embark on another witch-hunt,