The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

July 22, 2002

Ellis appeals to Clark, Goff to read Hood's book

Prime Minister Helen Clark and Justice Minister Phil Goff should read Lynley Hood's prize-winning book A City Possessed, former Christchurch Civic Crèche worker Peter Ellis said today.

Ellis, who has always protested his innocence, was paroled from prison in February 2000 after serving 6½ years for abusing seven children in his care at the crèche.

Ellis was visited by police last week wanting to arrange a meeting with him regarding a historical abuse allegation. He said police were saying very little about the latest allegation.

"It was an odd time of night to be turning up. It was out and out harassment. It is just bizarre," he told Newstalk ZB radio today.

Hood's book won the top prize at the Montana New Zealand Book Awards in Auckland on Saturday night.

Hood supports Ellis and other crèche workers and has called for a commission of inquiry into the case. Ellis said today he wanted Miss Clark and Mr Goff to read the book, rather than rely on Crown Law Office advice on whether to review the case.

Former crèche supervisor Gaye Davidson says she is terrified of being implicated in another child abuse scandal but says she has nothing to hide. Ms Davidson has been asked to contact police. Business cards from two Christchurch detectives were left at her front door last week.

Ms Davidson and three other female co-workers -- Marie Keys, Jan Buckingham, and Debbie Gillespie -- had indecent assault and sexual violation charges dropped in 1992-93.

"I'm dumbfounded. I can't believe they're revisiting it. I'm lost for words, to be honest," Ms Davidson said.

In January 2001 a young Christchurch man laid a formal complaint in which he alleged he was sexually abused by Ellis and others when he was a boy at the crèche.

In April, police child abuse unit manager Detective Sergeant Chris Power, said a legal opinion had suggested that the similar nature of recent allegations made the possibility of fresh charges against Ellis unlikely because he had already served a sentence.

Police were not commenting today about any investigation into the case. "It is not police practice to publicly comment or identify people alleged to be involved in any criminal investigation," Christchurch police said in a statement.