The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

The Press
August 2, 2002

Creche Case
Letter to the Editor
by Elizabeth Smyth,
St Martins, July 23

The front-page story (July 22) regarding the allegations by Peter Ellis, Gaye Davidson, and Lynley Hood that the crèche inquiry has reopened smacks somewhat of the hysteria that they have doggedly criticised.

The facts seem to me that a young man has made allegations to the police, possibly about an incident at this crèche. We do not know. The facts are that the police are obliged to investigate such allegations.

As The Press says, the police declined to comment. Therefore, it was not the police who contacted the media about these allegations but rather others at a time of high publicity surrounding the case, the day of the non-fiction book award won by Hood's A City Possessed.

Please no more trials by media.