The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

Sunday Star Times
August 4, 2002

Crèche case New Zealand's shame
Letter to the Editor
by Gordon Waugh, Auckland

Frank Haden didn't go nearly far enough (July 28) - Christchurch's shame over the crèche case is New Zealand's shame. Worse, it is parliament's shame.

The evidence in Lynley Hood's book is compelling, but politicians seemingly lack the moral courage to rectify this dreadful miscarriage of justice. Instead of its deathly silence, the counselling "profession" must find the honesty to publicly debate the causes. It is self-evident that without credible, external corroboration, counsellors cannot pretend to know whether sexual abuse occurred, or interpret what a child thinks or knows.

Using absurd assumptions, ACC perpetuates those unscientific and unacceptable counselling techniques. Without right, privilege or authority, ACC and counsellors have combined to usurp the function of the criminal court to determine who may have committed sexual abuse. Their use of flawed belief systems has ruined tens of thousands of families.

We need to return the issues surrounding sexual abuse to a proper scientific and judicial footing and attempt to repair the enormous damage done by poorly trained, unprofessional, unregistered, unlicensed, unaccountable "counsellors".