The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

The Dominion Post
August 5, 2002

New allegations still to be put to crèche pair
by David McLoughlin

Christchurch police are yet to speak to former Civic Crèche worker Peter Ellis and former crèche supervisor Gaye Davidson about "new" allegations of child abuse believed to date from a decade ago.

Ellis said yesterday that one of the detectives who asked him more than a fortnight ago to visit the police station with his lawyer had now gone overseas for three weeks, but wanted to see him on his return.

Ms Davidson said she had not been approached since two detectives left their business cards at her house asking her to contact them.

Ellis spent almost seven years in jail after being convicted in 1993 of 16 counts of sexual abuse of pre-schoolers at the creche. He has always claimed his innocence.

Ms Davidson is one of four women crèche staff who were also arrested and charged with abuse. The charges against them were dropped just before Ellis's trial. She has always maintained that no children were abused at the Civic Crèche, by Ellis or anyone else.

The new abuse allegations are believed to have come from an adult who has been in therapy and "remembered" events which supposedly took place while he was a child at the crèche.

Ms Davidson was horrified when she learned police had reopened the case and felt she was back living in a nightmare. But she said yesterday it had all gone quiet and she had not heard more from the detectives. She had asked her lawyer to ask police what lay behind the new allegations, but had not heard back from him.

Ellis said he had not yet spoken to his lawyer, Dunedin-based Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, who had been overseas.

He said the police had gone too far by dragging Ms Davidson back into the limelight.

"If they were just looking at me, it would be okay, but they should leave Gaye alone. It's gone beyond a joke."