The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

The Press
August 26, 2002

Ellis slams refusal to act on prize-winning book

Peter Ellis says the Ministry of Justice's dismissal of Lynley Hood's book on the Christchurch Civic Crèche sex-abuse case is "a slap in the face to the people of New Zealand".

The ministry's chief legal counsel, Val Sim, was asked to assess whether the award-winning book, A City Possessed, might indicate a need to reopen the case of convicted sex offender Peter Ellis. Ms Sim said the book presented "very little new information", and all points raised had been considered by previous courts and inquiries.

But Mr Ellis, 44, last night told The Press the review was a case of "the powers-that-be looking after themselves".

"She was only going to give the answer the boss wants to hear," Mr Ellis said, in reference to Justice Minister Phil Goff, who ordered the review.

"The public up and down New Zealand, people who don't know me, they have written to Mr Goff, to the papers ... to say something needs to be done."

He said the refusal to reopen the case was "a slap in the face to the people of New Zealand".

Ms Hood's 640-page book won this year's Montana Book Award for history and the Montana medal for non-fiction. The Dunedin author had received flattering academic and legal critiques of the book.

When asked if he had given up fighting to clear his name, Mr Ellis replied: "No, I haven't given it away. You don't hang round for 12 years to say 'uh, can't be bothered'."