The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

The Dominion Post
September 2, 2002

Seeking consensus
Letter to the Editor
by Lynley Hood

Contrary to the impression given by your article Author steps up call for Ellis pardon (August 26) I am not an advocate for Peter Ellis or anyone else involved in the Christchurch Civic Crèche case. Nor am I conducting a political campaign. All I am doing is inviting people to read A City Possessed and make up their own minds about the issues raised.

That people from all walks of life (MPs, lawyers, academics, journalists included) are reading, thinking about, and discussing the book delights me. I am happy to contribute to that discussion. Much of the discussion focuses on the flaws in the justice system exposed in A City Possessed. My hope is that from these discussions a consensus will be reached about the best way to deal with these issues.