The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

The Press
September 6, 2002

A City Possessed
Letter to Editor
by D Hudson, Avondale, August 30

Colin Eades' belief (August 28), that Lynley Hood interviewed only those who would give the answers she wanted puts him in a similar arena, that many people have faced, when police will interview and use only witnesses that give them the answers they want for prosecution.

Adversarial investigations bring adversity to determining truth, and many cases are rejected at depositions with a thumbs down to the prosecution from the judge but too late for the accused, family, and bank account.

Inquisitorial investigation should gather all the evidence for both sides, then the impartial decision should be made.

Lynley Hood has gathered all the evidence that was available from both sides of the controversy, impartially. If the jury had been given such an impartial compilation of evidence it may have delivered a totally different verdict. In fact, it may have been decided that there was not even a case to try.