The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

New Zealand Listener
Vol 186, No 3259
October 26, 2002

Abuser and abused
Letter to the Editor
by Dr John Read
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Psychology, University of Auckland

Lynley Hood has finally revealed (New Writing, October 19) the extreme bias that is usually so well concealed behind her public persona of objective, scholarly investigator.

In trying to convince us that what she (objectively?) calls "the sexual abuse hysteria" is still ongoing today, she cites some intriguing examples. We are informed, for instance, that school teachers who have sex with students "have been abusing nobody but themselves". She just somehow knows, with an unswerving and enviable faith in her own judgment, that none of these children was damaged in any way. 

Even more revealing, however, is the inclusion of the "allegations against Catholic priests" in her list of recent examples of the supposed "witch hunt". Even the Catholic Church, hardly an example of the radical feminist lesbian brigade that we are told is responsible for all the "hysteria", acknowledges the tragedies and, to its credit, is doing its best to provide redress and to prevent future abuse of children in its care. Most New Zealanders, however saddened by all this, can see that this is a significant step forward. But not Hood, who tries to educate us that it isn't the abuse of the children we should be concerned about, but the allegations against the priests.

She continues her unending calls for yet another inquiry into the one sexual abuse case from which she generates her woefully prejudiced attacks on those New Zealanders who try to increase our awareness of the problem or assist the thousands who have been abused. Perhaps in the light of this new and compelling evidence of her bias we should, instead, have an inquiry into the process of how book awards are made.