The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

New Zealand Listener
Vol 186, No 3259
October 26, 2002

Abuser and abused
Letter to the Editor
by Randall McDonnell, (Wellington)

I applaud the professionalism and perseverance of the forensic scientists and police who provided evidence that cleared David Dougherty, eliminated Wayne Montaperto as a suspect and convicted Jules Mikus. This work was possible because the perpetrators left material containing their DNA at the scenes of their crimes.

Which leads me to ponder a case that has polarised New Zealanders - the conviction of Peter Ellis solely on the statements of children interviewed by "trained" social workers.

I find it difficult to understand how Ellis could have forced himself on so many victims but never left any evidence. Were samples taken? If not, why not? If nothing was found, then surely forensic science indicates that it is extremely unlikely that abuse happened and the just and logical conclusion is that the allegations arose out of hysteria.