The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

New Zealand Listener
November 2-8 2002
Published October 28, 2002

Letter to the Editor
by Alan Wilkinson,
Russell, Northland

Lynley Hood said nothing about school teachers who have sex with students. "Purient computer technicians are determining what responsible adults should be allowed to see, read and hear. Respected school teachers - who have been abusing nobody but themselves - have had their careers and reputations destroyed." It was clear that she was referring to recent cases of teachers dismissed for downloading pornography.

John Read also claimed that she "tries to educate us that it isn't the abuse of the children we should be concerned about, but the allegations against the [Catholic] priests". Her single reference was: "The explosion of historic allegations against Catholic priests escalates daily. In my view, we're as much at risk today of having our lives, our families and our communities ripped apart by false allegations of sexual abuse as the people of Christchurch were in 1992."

Nobody wishes to see child abuse protected or overlooked. But false accusations (and bureaucratic and professional incompetence) must be relentlessly exposed to preserve liberty, justice and a free society.

My personal stake is that my wife, as a worker at the Christchurch Civic Creche until only a year or two before the hysterical debacle there, could have wound up in the dock as several of her colleagues and good friends did - the subject of false and indeed ludicrous allegations. Dr Read should consider seriously the impact of his ill-considered and intemperate statements.