The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

NZ Listener
November 2-8 2002
Published October 28, 2002

Letter to the Editor
By Kerr Inkson,
Northcote Auckland

When I read Lynley Hood's reference to the victimisation of "teachers who abuse only themselves", I assumed that she was referring to teachers being disciplined and dismissed for accessing pornographic websites in private, using school computers. In the context concerning "prurient computer technicians ...determining what responsible adults should be allowed to see, read and hear", any reasonable person would draw the same conclusion.

However, Dr John Read (Letters, October 26), without any evidence, takes the reference to mean that Hood considers that the actions of "teachers who have sex with their students" are unexceptionable. Hood said no such thing. She is right to use the term "witch-hunt" in her article: Read's one-eyed excoriation of her is a good demonstration of the process of demonising more and more "witches".

Sexual abuse is a major problem that we all need to do everything in our power to oppose. This opposition is not assisted by those who continue, in the interests of "increasing our awareness" to defend the pillorying of the innocent along with the guilty. Hood's meticulously researched book shows clearly that there is no real evidence that Peter Ellis is a child abuser. Her case is, so far, unanswered and appears unanswerable. It shows serious inadequacies in the legal processes through which Ellis was convicted. Witch-hunters would do us a better service if they could show us any flaws in Hood's research.