The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2002 July-Dec Index

Sunday Star Times
November 3, 2002

Crèche Case
Letters to the Editor
by Richard Christie

Phil Goff recently responded to many who have written to him with concerns in the wake of Lynley Hood's award-winning book on the Christchurch crèche case.

In his reply to my concerns Goff said: "Both Sir Thomas (Eichelbaum) and the two international experts on child evidence he appointed independently reached the conclusion that convictions on those charges on which Ellis was found guilty were safe."

As many others may have received similar information from the minister I write to clarify this point.

I quote expert Professor Davies in the Eichelbaum report "My report . . . will not attempt to pass judgement on the guilt or otherwise of Ellis nor to pronounce on the reliability of individual children's accounts".

Nor was expert Dr Sas asked to comment on the safety of the convictions.

Additionally, and in contradiction to Goff's spin, Davies raised real concerns regarding contamination of evidence and the need to test the veracity of the allegations against the "wider context of the investigation". He regarded the latter task to raise "issues which are beyond my remit".

The experts did not reach the conclusion that the convictions were safe.