The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

The Daily News
October 2, 2003

Domain danger
Letter to the Editor
by John Leith,
New Plymouth

Oh, well, next time I'm out walking on Merrilands Domain and feel the call of nature I guess I'll have to bottle it up till I get home.

Otherwise some woman like Helen Woollcot (October 1) out walking her dog is likely to spot me "roaming" near the toilets and my number will be well and truly up.

Honestly, with attitudes like hers prevailing is it any wonder that Peter Ellis was so easily stitched up?

The Daily News
September 30, 2003

Dubious Domain
Letter to the Editor
by Helen Woollcot,
New Plymouth

I walk my dog daily at local spots, including Merrilands Domain. Over the last few months I have noticed an increasing number of solitary men roaming around the domain's public toilets.

This is a dog-friendly, family-orientated, pleasant place to picnic, barbeque or go for a swim. I am seriously concerned about the implications of these men and their behaviour.

I urge families using the domain to always accompany children to and from the toilets. The safety of our children is paramount and the responsibility for their safety falls on everyone.