The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

News Reports Index

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This page last updated March 19 2005

2003-1231 - Otago Daily Times - University degree
by Suzanne George - I strongly question Ms Hood's biased view, based on my reading of her book. I readily found what I regard as discrepancies in her research, apparent deeply offensive bias and inhumanity towards her own gender and sexually abused childsren, the main academic failure being to acknowledge the discovery of a child sex ring operating in both Christchurch and Dunedin in 1984

2003-1229 - NZ Herald - Children denied justice in court
by Emma Davies - Children's and adults' memories fade over time. We are quick to discredit children's credibility. We are slow to address the year-long delays between children making their videoed statements and cross-examination at trial. In the context of the Ellis case, some are loud in their demand for justice and truth. Their focus is highly selective. There is deafening silence about the injustice of the way children are treated in our courts.

2003-1227 - The Press - The Year in Pictures
Photo: Don Scott - More than 10 years after the bizarre Christchurch Civic Creche case -- and three years after former creche worker Peter Ellis finished his jail sentence for sex abuse convictions arising from the case -- Ellis again found himself the reluctant centre of attention.

2003-1226 - Dominion Post - [No Published Headline]
David Bain, who lost his second appeal against his convictions for the 1994 murders of his mother, father and siblings, has a few things in common with Peter Ellis…... Both maintain their innocence, both lost two appeals in the Court of Appeal, both were tried before the same judge, Justice Williamson, and they were both in Christchurch's Paparua Prison for a time

2003-1224 - NZ Herald - Edwards show complaints rejected

NZPA - Complaints from Dunedin author Lynley Hood and Act MP Rodney Hide about the Edwards at Large television programme have not been upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Authority.

2003-1223 - Stuff - Complaints against Edwards not upheld by BSA
NZPA - Complaints from Dunedin author Lynley Hood and Act MP Rodney Hide about the Edwards at Large television programme have not been upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Authority……[Hood] claimed Edwards' political affiliations had prejudiced his view of the sex abuse case against former creche worker Peter Ellis and said he breached broadcasting standards on balance, impartiality and fairness.

2003-1215 - Timaru Herald - Artist intends to excite or annoy
"One has a responsibility as an artist to jolt people a bit and excite or annoy", according to local artist Mike Armstrong…….Armstrong says many of the images in Dirty Dolly, Mummy refer to Lynley Hood's documentation of the Ellis trial in A City Possessed. "It is to do with the scapegoat and the herd mentality that underlie the situation."

2003-1212 - NZ Parliament - Justice and Electoral Select Committee
The main focus of the committee's meeting on 10 December was the hearing of evidence on petitions presented respectively by Lynley Hood, Dr Donald Brash and 807 others, and Gaye Davidson and 3,346 others

2003-1212 - Otago Daily Times - Books earn Hood degree
by John Gibb - The University of Otago is awarding Lynley Hood a doctorate despite a warning the move could prove controversial because of the author's stance on the Peter Ellis case. Hood, an award-winning Dunedin writer, said she was "absolutely delighted" to be receiving a doctor of literature degree tomorrow. …..The university has awarded honorary doctorates to several distinguished writers but Otago doctorates earned for published research are believed to be rare among such writers.

2003-1211 - Otago Daily Times - CYF
by Suzanne George - I feel that CYF, the Civic Creche children and I are being made scapegoats by Katherine Rich…….(Earlier report by Katherine Rich also included, which makes no reference to the Civic Creche children)

2003-1211 - Daily News - Ellis case 'poisoned by toxic delusion'
by Leah Haines - MPS began hearing arguments yesterday from high-profile New Zealanders calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. ……Asked by committee chairman Tim Barnett how it was possible that the original jury, courts of appeal and high court judges had got it so wrong, Ms Hood said that was typical of the "top to bottom" failures in gross miscarriages of justice.

2003-1211 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis case MPs told interview style changed
by Sharon Lundy, of NZPA - Wellington: MPs considering whether to hold a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case yesterday heard of a "sea change" in the way child sex abuse victims are interviewed………….Yesterday, one of his supporters, international expert in child suggestibility Maryanne Garry, told the committee of a "sea change" in opinion on the way child victims were questioned………. "We don't use techniques that we know now are dangerous, in the same way we wouldn't be putting asbestos in buildings any more. It was fine then. It's not fine now."

2003-1211 - Dominion Post - MPs hear Ellis case arguments
by Leah Haines -
MPs began hearing arguments yesterday from high-profile New Zealanders calling for a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. …….. Asked by committee chairman Tim Barnett how it was possible that the original jury, courts of appeal and High Court judges had got it so wrong, Ms Hood said that was typical of the "top-to-bottom" failures in gross miscarriages of justice.

2003-1211 - Southland Tiimes - MPs weigh new Ellis case probe
by Leah Haines -
Child memory expert and Victoria University lecturer Maryanne Garry said the interviewing techniques used on the child complainants were fundamentally flawed, even at the time they were used. Everyone was susceptible to memory distortion but children were especially vulnerable, Dr Garry said

2003-1210 - Newstalk ZB - Ellis case under spotlight again
Parliament's Justice Committee begins its hearing to see if Royal Commission of Inquiry is needed into Christchurch Civic Creche case………Today, Ms Hood has likened the Peter Ellis case to that of the wrongful IRA bombing convictions of the Birmingham Six and the Lindy Chamberlain case in Australia. She says the Ellis case is also a top-to-bottom failure of the justice system.

2003-1210 - One News - Creche case before select committee     
A select committee has heard submissions on whether concerns raised over the Peter Ellis case warrant a royal commission of inquiry.

2003-1210 - Newstalk ZB - Submissions on Ellis case
The cases for and against a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis case are to be made in Parliament today.

2003-1210 - NZ Herald - Flaws in children's evidence says study
NZPA - The vast majority of child witnesses and young victims change their testimony while giving evidence in court, university researchers have found. Otago University psychologists found that 85 per cent of children involved in two separate studies changed their stories when subjected to cross-examination. They have concluded that questioning techniques used in courts are not suitable for children.

2003-1209 - Otago Daily Times - Most child witnesses change testimony
by Joanna Norris - University of Otago psychologists have concluded questioning techniques used in New Zealand courts are not suitable for children, after up to 85% of children involved in two separate studies changed their story when subjected to cross-examination.  Dunedin author Lynley Hood, whose book A City Possessed argues the testimony of children in the Peter Ellis sexual abuse case was tainted in part by methods used to question the child complainants, said the findings were not surprising

2003-1209 - NZPA - Child witnesses change story under cross examination
NZPA - Otago University psychologists have concluded that questioning techniques used in New Zealand courts are not suitable for children, after up to 85 per cent of children involved in two separate studies changed their story when subjected to cross examination. Dunedin author Lynley Hood, whose book A City Possessed argues the testimony of children in the Peter Ellis sexual abuse case was tainted in part by methods used to question the child complainants, said the findings were not surprising.

2003-1208 - North & South Jan 2004 - Those Who Made a Difference: Lynley Hood
Although it was published two years ago A City Possessed, Lynley Hood's meticulously researched and argued book of investigative journalism about the Christchurch Civic Creche/Peter Ellis child abuse case, continued to make waves in 2003

2003-1205 - Parliament - Select Committee Press Release
Justice and Electoral Committee - The committee will meet next on Wednesday, 10 December ……
The main part of the committee’s meeting will be spent on the petition of Lynley Hood on the Christchurch civic crèche case and its associated petition

2003-1203 - The Press - Colman gives books to MPs in creche case
Media magnate Barry Colman has played Santa Claus for MPs investigating the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Mr Colman this week bought 11 copies of creche book A City Possessed for members of Parliament's justice and electoral select committee.

2003-1202 - Scoop - offers financial aid to NZ Govt

Press Release - offers to provide financial aid to the New Zealand Government. Insufficient funds available to fund appropriate investigation by the Justice Select Committee ….Peterellis.Org is therefore making the generous offer to purchase the book "A City Possessed" for members of the select committee.

2003-1201 - Otago Daily Times - Hood upset her book not required reading for MPs
NZPA - A controversial book on the Christchurch Civic Creche case is not officially available to politicians investigating the need for a top-level inquiry. Labour MP Tim Barnett, who chairs the justice and electoral select committee, said no budget was available for items such as A City Possessed .

2003-1201 - The Press - Author upset her book not required reading by MPs
A controversial book on the Christchurch Civic Creche case is not officially available to politicians investigating the need for a top-level inquiry. Labour MP Tim Barnett, who chairs the justice and Electoral select committee, said no budget was available for items such as A City Possessed. …Dunedin author Lynley Hood was "totally thunderstruck" to discover her book would not be required reading for the 11 MPs.

2003-1130 - Sunday Star Times - Democracy worries
by Ian McKissack - Two issues highlighted recently in the Sunday Star-Times make me wonder about the health of democracy. They are the high level of reasonable doubt about Peter Ellis's conviction and the callous and inept treatment of Ahmed Zaoui. …….The heart of the matter is whether the democratic process is designed to produce a government that rules over us, or a collection of representatives who carry out the will of the people.

2003-1127 - NZ Herald - Two-parent families still the best
by Garth George - responds to Davies and Read

2003-1126 - NZ Herald - Family structure not key to stopping child abuse
by Emma Davies and John Read - Some of those behind the Peter Ellis petition claim that the extent and consequences of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse, are exaggerated. They offer images of over-zealous professionals operating in a clandestine abuse industry.

2003-1115 - Listener (Nov 22) - Child Abuse and the experts
by Michael Corballis - It is time to stop the dissembling and ad-hominem attacks, and address the real issue as to whether the evidence that led to Peter Ellis's conviction was properly informed. Lynley Hood's excellent book A City Possessed has little to do with the flatness of Christchurch, and her adversaries would do well to actually read it.

2003-1113 - Dominion Post - Evidence not always the key
by L Parker - ..... as with the Ellis case, new evidence is not always the issue. Juries can get it wrong, especially in high-pressure trials, when worn down by an extraordinary three-month barrage of detail and character assassination of the defendant. ......The system might usually get it right, but loyalty to institutional power, after the fact, can be suffocating.

2003-1113 - Daily News - Watson Documentary
by Jeanette Robins - After watching the Watson documentary, reading Lynley Hood's book about the Christchurch creche case, and Joe Karam's about the Bain case, I am left with a real sense of sadness - but, greater than that, a real sense of fear.

2003-1110 - Southland Times - Lecture sets benchmark
by Patricia Soper - The Hallam Smith Memorial Lecture .....Thought-provoking and at times hard-hitting, Dr Barton also touched on the controversial and still-sensitive Christchurch Civic Creche case, the psychological implications of solitary confinement and the little-publicised responsibilities of the individual within our justice system.

2003-1101 - Listener, Nov 8 - Child abuse and the experts
by Lynley Hood -
John Read (Letters, October 25) is desperate. He can find nothing of substance to attack in A City Possessed. This is because I have got it right. I have demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the pre-school scandal that ripped Christchurch apart and threw the nation into turmoil was based on a bungled investigation into a crime that never happened

2003-1100 - Auckland Sexual Abuse Help - Guilty or Innocent - Is that the issue?
by Kathryn McPhillips - Lynley Hood suggests that a mass hysteria she calls "sex abuse hysteria" influenced the investigation and prosecution of the allegations of sexual abuse made against Peter Ellis. She seems to suggest that this hysteria was promulgated by what she calls the "sex abuse industry" (eg agencies like ASAH) and that it was unwarranted. She supports these ideas with a selective presentation of the research about sexual abuse and its consequences

2003-1031 - Heather Roy MP - Christchurch Civic Crèche Case
by Heather Roy - Peter Ellis, in the end, was convicted of sexual abuse while the wildly fantastic accusations of satanic abuse were withdrawn. At the height of the inquiry all the hallmarks of mass hysteria were evident. Several female co-workers were also charged although the charges were dropped. Lynley Hood contends that the level of hysteria was so high that all the charges against Ellis are suspect

2003-1018 - Listener Oct 25 - Teaching Anxiety
by Alison Jones - How the Peter Ellis case ensured that suspicion and mistrust became guiding principles of teacher-pupil relations......It is no wonder that Justice Minister Phil Goff refuses to entertain calls for a commission of inquiry into the case of Peter Ellis. Remaining resolutely distant on such a fraught and dangerous subject is nothing if not politically canny.

2003-1018 - Listener Oct 25 - Child abuse and the experts - by Fred Seymour
Michael Corballis ("Memory & the law", September 13) presents clinical psychology in a negative light, but fails to report facts that run contrary to his opinion.

2003-1018 - Listener Oct 25 - Child abuse and the experts - by John Read
Lynley Hood (Letters, October 11) claims I "misrepresented" her views about the relevance of Christchurch being flat to the Ellis case, Her claim, like many of the claims in her book, rests on citing, out of context, one small piece of reality

2003-1018 - Listener Oct 25 - Child abuse and the experts - by Nancy Gillespie
During the High Court trial of Peter Ellis I listened with astonishment as child psychiatrist Karen Zelas was asked if the behaviour of a particular child was consistent or inconsistent with that of a sexually abused child.

2003-1017 - NZ Law Journal - In response to Emma Davies and Jeffrey Masson
Felicity Goodyear-Smith, the University of Auckland responds to criticism of A City Possessed in NZ Law Journal Sept 2003

2003-1009 - Jobs Letter - Wanted: Male Primary School Teachers
A report, commissioned by the NZEI has found that there are three reasons why men are not joining the profession....................and 3) men are concerned that as part of the job there will be physical contact with children and that will put them at risk of being accused of sexual abuse. The report refers to this as the “Peter Ellis syndrome”

2003-1008 - ODT - Day in the House
The petition of Gaye Davidson and 3346 others requesting the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the child abuse convictions of Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis was tabled

2003-1007 - ODT - Second Peter Ellis petition attracts 3000 signatures
by Chris Morris - Doubts over the case against former Christchurch Civic Creche worker and convicted child molester Peter Ellis have prompted prominent Dunedin and Otago people to join calls for an inquiry. More than 3000 people across New Zealand, from former prime ministers to anarchists, have signed the second petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis sex abuse case.

2003-1007 - The Press - Second Ellis petition launched
by Anna Claridge - The campaign for an inquiry into the Peter Ellis case hit the heart of Christchurch civic creche country yesterday. ......Big-name signatories include former Speaker and Government minister Sir Peter Tapsell, Silver Fern Sandra Edge, musician Mike Chunn, and Christchurch businesswoman Peri Drysdale. Ellis said yesterday that he was astounded at the high profile backing and felt duty-bound to be at the launch. "It would be rude not to be here," Peter Ellis told The Press. "A lot of people have done a lot of work."

2003-1007 - NZ Herald - Ellis petition back where it all began
NZPA - The campaign for an inquiry into the Peter Ellis case hit the heart of Christchurch civic creche country yesterday. A second petition led by former creche supervisor Gaye Davidson was handed over at Canterbury University in front of Ellis supporters, including former creche workers, law professors, and Ellis himself

2003-1006 - The Press - Ellis case
by Charles Kiewiet - Regarding Denis Dutton's article (September 13) concerning the dangers of human memory with reference to the Peter Ellis case, I can relate to it from personal experience. As a toddler I spent three years in a Japanese concentration camp for women and children. .............Whereas the Japanese were guilty of war crimes, I doubt that Peter Ellis abused the children, and I support a royal commission to re-examine his case.

2003-1006 - Dominion Post - Scoring the Exchanges (excerpt)
On Monday, former Christchurch civic creche supervisor Gaye Davidson will present a second petition

2003-1006 - One News - New Ellis petition delivered
A second petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis case has been presented in Christchurch ......A former colleague, Gaye Davidson, presented the petition, which bears more than 3000 signatures, to the National MPs Don Brash and Katherine Rich

2003-1005 - Sunday Star Times - Ellis case a crock
by Bruce Morley - Geoff Levick's deconstruction of the "evidence" in the Ellis case (September 28) can be summed up succinctly in another way.Any sane observer knew that the whole thing was a crock the moment that Ellis, the lone male, was the only one left facing charges in a situation where clearly all were guilty or none were.

2003-1005 - Sunday Star Times - New editor for Star-Times
The Sunday Star-Times has a new editor - award-winning journalist Cate Brett.  Brett, deputy editor of The Press in Christchurch, starts next month, succeeding Suzanne Chetwin.

2003-1005 - Sunday Star Times - Keeping a low profile
He [Clem Simich] is somewhat of an enigma: ........... As police minister he supported decriminalising marijuana, he supports getting rid of the nuclear-powered ships ban, he signed the Peter Ellis petition, and he was one of only six National MPs to vote for prostitution law reform this year

2003-1004 - ODT - 3000 sign petition
NZPA - Children and parents associated with the former Christchurch Civic Creche have signed a second petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis sex abuse case

2003-1004 - Listener Oct 11 - Child abuse and the experts: Michael Corballis
by Michael Corballis - My colleague John Read (Letters, September 27) evidently disagrees with my attempt to defend psychology against its poor reputation in some quarters, and in so doing neatly illustrates the split within our discipline, There are some signs, though, that the rift may be beginning to heal, at least on the international front

2003-1004 - Listener Oct 11 - Child abuse and the experts: Lynley Hood
by Lynley Hood - Not for the first time, Dr John Read has misrepresented my comments, To Brian Edwards's bizarre assertion "What are you telling me here - that the flatness of the city gives us some indication of the chances of Peter Ellis getting a fair trial?", I replied, "No. I am not I am not making that leap at all."

2003-1004 - Listener Oct 11 - Child abuse and the experts: Jacqueline Martin
by Jacqueline Martin - Two Wellington women have won Privy Council backing to sue a social worker and psychologist who removed them from their father in 1988 after false allegations of abuse. Even today Child, Youth and Family workers remove children from their home on anonymous, opinion-based and even false information,

2003-1004 - Listener Oct 11 - Child abuse and the experts: Robert O'Shea
by Robert O'Shea - Professor Corballis in "Memory & the law" (September 13) is to be thanked for his clear analysis of the issues for i psychology of the Peter Ellis case

2003-1004 - NZ Herald - Creche children lobbying for Ellis
NZPA - Ms Rich said the second petition showed there was a "growing groundswell" of concern about the Ellis conviction. "Many people expressed a desire for a second petition as they wanted to feel they had need to be involved," Ms Rich said.

2003-1003 - NZPA - Second Ellis petition signed by creche kids
Children and parents associated with the former Christchurch Civic Creche have signed a second petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis sex abuse case.  Gaye Davidson, supervisor at the creche at the time of the sexual abuse charges, will present the petition to National MPs Don Brash and Katherine Rich in Christchurch on Monday.

2003-1003 - Newstalk ZB - Another Ellis petition launched
A former Christchurch Civic Creche worker has launched a second petition over the Peter Ellis case There is now a second petition calling for a royal commission of enquiry into the Peter Ellis case. The petition, sponsored by former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Gaye Davidson, follows that organised by author Lynley Hood and National MPs Don Brash and Katherine Rich.

2003-1002 - Dominion Post - To the point
by Lynley Hood - Four sources used by Masson and Davies to support their extravagant claims about the prevalence of child sexual abuse have been discredited; the other two have been misrepresented. Even if their claims were true, that would not make Peter Ellis guilty. Our justice system determines guilt on reliable evidence and due process, not statistics.

2003-1002 - Daily News - Domain danger
by John Leith - Honestly, with attitudes like [Helen Woollcot]'s prevailing is it any wonder that Peter Ellis was so easily stitched up?

2003-1002 - The Press - Brett named Editor
Press deputy editor and award-winning journalist Cate Brett has been appointed editor of the Sunday Star-Times. Ms Brett will take up the job in November

2003-1000 - Mensline - The “Peter Ellis” Syndrome
With the release of a study this week by the NZ Educational Institute which shows that men now make up less than 20 per cent of the male primary school teaching force, a new cause has been identified as keeping men out of teaching and causing them to leave - being seen as a potential paedophile.