The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

NZ Listener
November 8-14, 2003
(Published November 1, 2003)

Child abuse and the experts
Letter to the Editor
Lvnley Hood (Dunedin)

John Read (Letters, October 25) is desperate. He can find nothing of substance to attack in A City Possessed. This is because I have got it right. I have demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the pre-school scandal that ripped Christchurch apart and threw the nation into turmoil was based on a bungled investigation into a crime that never happened.

But Read has staked his reputation on the discredited beliefs and practices that made the creche case possible. So, in his desperation to attack me, he seizes on a couple of peripheral points. Then, like Brian Edwards in his infamous interview with me, he misrepresents those points and attacks the misrepresentation. By their conduct, Read and Edwards discredit only themselves.