The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

North & South
January 2004
Publication Date December 8, 2003

Those Who Made a Difference
New Zealanders from all walks of life who stood tall and with grit, determination, innovation and energy made their mark

Lynley Hood

Controversial writer. Although it was published two years ago A City Possessed, Lynley Hood's meticulously researched and argued book of investigative journalism about the Christchurch Civic Creche/Peter Ellis child abuse case, continued to make waves in 2003 when National MPs Katherine Rich and (soon to be National leader) Dr Don Brash got up a petition of prominent New Zealanders calling for a commission of inquiry into the case.

Minister of Justice Phil Goff reluctantly referred the petition to a parliamentary select committee and Hood is busily writing submissions she will make to the committee. She's relieved that in the two years since publication there hasn't been as much as a lawyer's letter threatening defamation against her, "proof, surely, that I got it right". "Getting A City Possessed published had become the be-all and end-all of my life," she says. "I couldn't have lived happily in my old age had I not got it published."

During 2003 Hood was awarded a doctorate by the University of Otago, "a real doctorate not an honorary one, made on the strength of my books". She next plans to begin work on a new book. "I'm not saying what it's about other than that it's another controversial issue."