The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

NZ Parliament
December 12, 2003

Select Committee Business For The Week
Press Release: Select Committee Office

Justice and Electoral (Louise Sparrer, [email protected])

The main focus of the committee's meeting on 10 December was the hearing of evidence on petitions presented respectively by Lynley Hood, Dr Donald Brash and 807 others, and Gaye Davidson and 3,346 others requesting the House of Representatives establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry to inquire into the investigation and legal processes relating to the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Those who spoke in support of the request were Lynley Hood, Dr George Barton QC, Bernard Robertson, and Dr Maryanne Garry. The Ministry of Justice perspective was provided by Chief Legal Counsel Val Sim, from the Office of Legal Counsel.

At this meeting, the committee also considered the financial review of the Parliamentary Counsel Office, the Care of Children Bill, and heard evidence on the Judicial Matters Bill.

The committee's final meeting for the year will be on 17 December in Room G.003, Parliament House. The meeting will be open to the public from 10.00 am to 11.40 am to complete the hearing of evidence on the Care of Children Bill.