The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

Otago Daily Times
December 12, 2003

Books earn Hood degree
by John Gibb

The University of Otago is awarding Lynley Hood a doctorate despite a warning the move could prove controversial because of the author's stance on the Peter Ellis case.

Hood, an award-winning Dunedin writer, said she was "absolutely delighted" to be receiving a doctor of literature degree tomorrow.

A former Burns Fellow who already has an MSc in physiology from the university, the 61-year-old will receive the doctorate at the Dunedin Town Hall.

Her LittD degree is for "published contributions of special excellence in linguistic, literary, social or historical knowledge" and is based on her four books, including the latest and most controversial, A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Creche Case.

The university has awarded honorary doctorates to several distinguished writers but Otago doctorates earned for published research are believed to be rare among such writers.

Hood has spearheaded a campaign to have creche worker Peter Ellis cleared on child sex abuse charges. On Wednesday, she made submissions to Parliament's justice and electoral select committee, which is weighing the merits of a royal commission of inquiry.

Two former prime ministers, 12 former cabinet ministers and many MPs are among people who have petitioned Parliament seeking the inquiry.

Ellis was convicted of child abuse and sentenced to 10 years jail in 1993. He has maintained his innocence throughout.

One of Hood's three external examiners suggested the degree be awarded on the basis of I alone, but acknowledged this could prove controversial.

The book made "hard criticisms of a verdict passed by a jury in a court of law and upheld by an appeal court, of the jury itself, of the trial judge, of legal process", the unnamed examiner said in a report.

In light of the fact the book had been dismissed by Justice Minister Phil Goff, the university senate and council might well feel that awarding Hood a LittD would be "tantamount to pitting the university's judgement against that of the minister and the judiciary", the examiner said.

Hood's other books are Sylvia!, a biography of Sylvia Ashton-Warner, 1988, Who is Sylvia? The Diary of a Biography, 1990, and Minnie Dean: Her Life and Crimes, 1994.

Otago Daily Times
December 13, 2003

University of Otago graduands

About 620 graduands, mainly in commerce, humanities and sciences, will graduate in person from the University of Otago in a ceremony at the Dunedin Town Hall at 3pm today.

A further 350 people will graduate in absentia.

Degrees to be conferred
and diplomas to be awarded
in person

Honorary Doctor of Laws
Eion Sinclair Edgar.

Doctor of Literature
Lynley Jane Hood.

Doctor of Philosophy
Serean Leigh Adams; Michael James Begbie; Stephen Robert Belsham; Yvonne Nita Bird; Ralph McKay Buck; Christopher David Hepburn; Vanessa Jane Hernaman; David James La Rooy; Gretchen Lynette Larsen; Warren Trethowen McBurney; Jennifer Claire Macleod; Kirstie Margaret Dzintra Morgan; Louise Claire Parr-Brownlie; Lesley-Jan Procter; Christopher Allan Halric Rodgers; Philip Schlup; Jane Ann Sedgeley; Nichola Rae Solomon; Natthawut Srikatanyoo; Gareth Damian Thomas; Kevin Ronald Ward; Qing Qing Zhou.