The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

December 23, 2003

Complaints against Edwards not upheld by BSA

Complaints from Dunedin author Lynley Hood and Act MP Rodney Hide about the Edwards at Large television programme have not been upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Authority.

Hood, campaigning for a royal commission into the Christchurch Civic Creche case, was interviewed by Brian Edwards on August 16 about her book A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Creche Case.

She claimed Edwards' political affiliations had prejudiced his view of the sex abuse case against former creche worker Peter Ellis and said he breached broadcasting standards on balance, impartiality and fairness.

Television New Zealand said Edwards had "deliberately and quite properly adopted a 'devil's advocate' approach to the interview".

The BSA rejected Hood's allegations the interview was unbalanced, noting Edwards had adopted an adversarial approach and had forewarned Hood of his intention to do so. Hood had been given reasonable opportunity to present her views.

Mr Hide appeared on Edwards at Large after he questioned a New Zealand on Air decision to give the show $190,000 when the broadcaster's wife Judy Callingham was on the NZ On Air board.

He alleged the programme broke balance and impartiality standards. In response to a complaint from Mr Hide, TVNZ had acknowledged the item was not impartial and apologised in writing.

Mr Hide said he had been "ambushed" into appearing on the show to enable Edwards to pursue his personal interests. He accepted TVNZ's apology initially but, after saying in a news release he was also looking forward to Edwards' apology, changed his mind when Edwards advised "hell would freeze over" before that happened.

The BSA said Mr Hide "was not unaware of the issues which were likely to be raised", and declined to uphold the complaint the item was unbalanced, or the complaint that action taken by TVNZ was insufficient.