The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Oct-Dec

Otago Daily Times
December 31, 2003

University degree
Letter to the Editor
by Suzanne George, Dunedin

I feel the University of Otago Council and external examiners should come under greater public and taxpayer scrutiny for awarding a doctor of literature degree to Lynley Hood for "special excellence in . . social or historial knowledge", one of three unnamed external examiners suggesting the degree be awarded on A City Possessed alone (ODT, 12.12.03).

I strongly question Ms Hood's biased view, based on my reading of her book. I readily found what I regard as discrepancies in her research, apparent deeply offensive bias and inhumanity towards her own gender and sexually abused childsren, the main academic failure being to acknowledge the discovery of a child sex ring operating in both Christchurch and Dunedin in 1984.

It seems anyone who fails to be "enlightened" by Ms Hood's tome is told they either have not read the book, or are misrepresenting its contents, or she does not bother to reply.