The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 3 (Aug 1-9)


Newstalk ZB
August 8 2005

National promises Ellis inquiry

National leader Don Brash is promising that Peter Ellis will get a full inquiry - if his party wins the election.

After two years' deliberation, a Parliamentary select committee has rejected a call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into aspects of Peter Ellis's convictions for sexually abusing children at the creche where he worked.

Dr Brash was one of the original backers of the call for an inquiry, and says he is surprised and disappointed with the committee's decision.

He says many New Zealanders - including former judges, former Prime Ministers and academics - believe a full inquiry is necessary.

Many of Ellis' supporters believe testimony from very young children was given too much weight in the case against him.

Dr Brash says he will explore a number of options for an inquiry including a Royal Commission