The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

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This page last updated January 29 2006

2005-0809 - kiwiblog - Peter Ellis
new January 29 2006
by David Farrar - The Justice Select Committee has reported back on the Peter Ellis petition. Regrettably it has not recommended an inquiry, but it has made some useful suggested law changes which should help prevent a repeat.

Including discussion from readers:

Mike Collins: 
It would have been a great help had the National MPs on the committee been supportive of Brash's petition

This case has always had a somewhat nasty smell to it

If we have a Jury system for serious cases then we should accept their verdicts

There wasn't just one type of nut involved in this prosecution, there was a complete pick-n-mix selection

Isn't the real issue the fact that the officials in the Ministries of Justice and Social Development simply won't permit any questioning of the evidence given by their experts on child sex abuse?

Goff and Co. know PERFECTLY well that Peter Ellis is innocent and their moral cowardice sickens me

The so called experts in the Peter Ellis case made numerous errors. In the case of the alleged child expert interviewers evidence a lot of errors were determined

2005-0809 - Newstalk ZB - Ellis author criticises inquiry decision
The author of a controversial book about the Peter Ellis case claims the Government has put the Christchurch Civic Creche case into the too hard basket…..Dr Hood says it is disappointing because since the mid 1980s, people have been calling for an inquiry into the way sex abuse allegations are investigated and prosecuted. She says the Ellis case was an ideal opportunity to tackle the issue but claims the Government has not had the courage to face up to it

2005-0809 - The Press - CaseNotClosed.htm
Editorial - Undoubtedly the hope of those who signed the petition was that the select committee process would provide, through a Royal Commission, the process required to allow some closure to the Ellis case. It has failed to do so, leaving Ellis weighing up
whether to mount another appeal, this time in London. For this reason the select committee report, two years in the making, has only ensured that the Ellis case will continue to be a divisive controversy in Christchurch.

Winston Wealleans; Ellis Supporter

2005-0809 - The Press - Call to clear way for Ellis appeal
by Kim Thomas - Committee recommendations include:
* Clear way for Privy Council appeal
* Investigate aspects of children's evidence
* Establish a Criminal Cases Review Authority
* Change law with regard to multiple complainants

Hood did not accept that the solutions offered eclipsed the need for a commission of inquiry. "The same people who were involved in the investigation and prosecution of the creche case are still investigating and prosecuting sex cases now and making the same mistakes," Hood said.  "Until it's brought home to them that they stuffed up they are going to keep on making the same mistakes. The past has to be faced up to if we are going to learn from it," she said.

2005-0809 - The Press - Case 'did not inspire confidence'
A parliamentary select committee yesterday isued its long-awaited report into the Christchurch civic creche case, and the convictions of former Creche worker Peter Ellis. The following is an extract from that report

2005-0809 - Southland Times - Committee paves way for Ellis' appeal to Privy Council
Parliament's justice and electoral select committee yesterday released its long-awaited report into a petition by Ellis supporters, including National leader Don Brash, demanding an inquiry into the case. The committee rejected a requested royal commission but recommended the Attorney General not oppose a new application by Mr Ellis for leave to appeal to the Privy Council

2005-0809 - Otago Daily Times - Lawyer and supporters disappointed
by John Gibb - Peter Ellis’ lawyer, Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, of Dunedin, said it was a "real disappointment” that the committee had not recommended a royal commission. However, there were positive aspects to the committee’s other recommendations, including that the attorney-general not oppose a proposed application for leave to appeal to the Privy Council, and that the Legal Services Agency provide legal aid.

2005-0809 - Otago Daily Times - Committee supports Ellis appeal to Privy Council
NZPA - A parliamentary inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Creche case has recommended the way be cleared for Peter Ellis to appeal to the Privy Council and for the taxpayer to pay for it. Parliament’s justice and electoral select committee yesterday released its long-awaited report into a petition by Ellis supporters, including National Party leader Don Brash, demanding an inquiry into the case

2005-0809 - One News - Ellis case may go to the Privy Council
The lawyer for Peter Ellis says they will go to the Privy Council if the Attorney General adopts the recommendations of the Justice and Electoral Select Committee. Ellis' lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr says without such an endorsement the case would not have much chance of success, due to its age. Lynley Hood, author of a book on the Christchurch Civic Creche case, says the government has a constitutional responsibility to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case…..Hood says it is obvious to many New Zealander's the justice system failed in the case and has been unable to correct itself.

2005-0809 - Newstalk ZB - United Future wants court system overhaul
The rejection of a full inquiry into the Peter Ellis case has prompted United Future to call for an overhaul of the court system. However it has sought an inquiry as to whether the system should change from adversarial to inquisitorial for child sex offences. United Future justice spokesman Murray Smith says the court system is too adversarial and not centred on the need to find the truth. He says the courts should be based on truth, not arguments.

2005-0809 - Newstalk ZB - Ellis considering next move
Peter Ellis is back in "wait and see" mode after the recommendations of Parliament's justice and electoral select committee. After two years, the select committee has decided a Royal Commission of Inquiry into his convictions for sexually abusing children in his care is not warranted. Instead, the committee is recommending that the Attorney-General does not oppose, or opposes only in principle, a new proposed application by Ellis for leave to appeal to the Privy Council.

2005-0809 - Dominion Post - 'Political pawn' fear as Ellis call rejected
by Haydon Dewes - Peter Ellis suspects he has become a "political pawn" after a long-awaited parliamentary committee report rejected a call for a powerful commission of inquiry into his case……… [Peter Ellis] could not hide his disappointment that the commission of inquiry was ruled out. "Don't forget that one of the people that signed the petition was David Lange. He's a well-respected person. Mike Moore signed it. We're not talking about nobodies that have been concerned about the civic creche," he said.  The delay in reporting had been frustrating, and he couldn't help but wonder whether he had been used "as a political pawn", 
August 8 2005

What the "Justice" Committee is really saying.

"There were a whole lot of things wrong with the Ellis

 affair that need urgent attention, and we recommend
 that they be fixed up so that nobody is affected like
 Ellis in the future.

But we do not care about Peter Ellis."

This site says that the committee is
morally and ethically bankrupt

2005-0808 - United Future Party - Crèche case shows justice system flaws
by Murray Smith - The Christchurch Civic Crèche case raises major issues about our adversarial criminal justice system, United Future justice spokesman Murray Smith said today in calling for major changes. "While there were also serious concerns about the way children's evidence was collected and assessed in that case, the essential problem is that our justice system is not centred on the need to find the truth," Mr Smith said

2005-0808 - NZ Parliament - Media release
by Tim Barnett, Chair of Justice and Electoral Committee: "Select Committee vigorous response to Christchurch Civic Crèche Case petition".  Parliament's Justice and Electoral Committee has recommended wide-ranging action by the Government, the Attorney-General, the Legal Services Agency and its successor Select Committee in the 2005-8 Parliament, in responding to a petition requesting a Royal Commission into aspects of the Christchurch Civic Creche case

2005-0808 - One News - Peter Ellis case inquiry rejected
Source: RNZ - A bid to get a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis sex abuse case has failed with a parliamentary select committee rejecting a petition calling for one……..The select committee has released a raft of recommendations for how such cases should be handled in the future, but says a commission of inquiry is not relevant here. It also says it is unlikely the inquiry would reach a better view of the facts established at Ellis' trial

2005-0808 - One News - Ellis case (Transcript)
There's been a big setback for campaigners trying to clear the name of the man found guilty of molesting children at Christchurch's Civic Crèche. Peter Ellis won't get a commission of inquiry into his case, but a parliamentary committee has cleared the way for the case to go to the Privy Council.

2005-0808 - Newstalk ZB - National promises Ellis inquiry
National leader Don Brash is promising that Peter Ellis will get a full inquiry - if his party wins the election. Dr Brash was one of the original backers of the call for an inquiry, and says he is surprised and disappointed with the committee's decision. He says many New Zealanders - including former judges, former Prime Ministers and academics - believe a full inquiry is necessary

2005-0808 - NZ Herald - Call for inquiry into Ellis case rejected
NZPA - A parliamentary committee has rejected a call for a royal commission of inquiry into the case of convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis….. A petition calling for a top-level look at the creche case has been with Parliament's justice and electoral select committee for two years…… Committee chairman Tim Barnett said today a royal commission was not the most effective way to address the real issues emerging from the case.

2005-0808 - Newstalk ZB - No inquiry in Ellis case
A Parliamentary committee has rejected a request for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into aspects of the Christchurch Civic Creche case.  The campaign for an inquiry was headed by pro-Peter Ellis campaigners Lynley Hood, who wrote the book "A City Possessed" alleging a miscarriage of justice, and National MP Don Brash . Committee chairman Tim Barnett says cross-party MPs do not believe a Royal Commission of Inquiry is the most effective way to address the issues which have emerged from the case

2005-0808 - Stuff - Ellis case inquiry rejected
A parliamentary committee has rejected a call for a royal commission of inquiry into the case of convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis…… Committee chairman Tim Barnett said today a royal commission was not the most effective way to address the real issues emerging from the case. The committee made seven recommendations including that the attorney-general not oppose, or oppose only in principle, a proposed application by Ellis for leave to appeal to the Privy Council.

2005-0808 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis inquiry decision
Convicted child-care worker Peter Ellis will find out today whether there is political support for a government inquiry into his case.

2005-0808 - Newstalk ZB - Ellis finds out about inquiry today
Peter Ellis will find out today whether there will be a Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Ellis has always maintained his innocence, and served two thirds of his 10 year jail sentence after being convicted in 1993 of sexually molesting children at the creche where he worked.

2005-0808 - The Press - Report out today on Ellis case
Tim Barnett MP
Tim Barnett

by Eleanor Wilson - Convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis will find out today whether there is political support for a government inquiry into his case…… A petition calling for a top-level look at the creche case has been with the Justice and Electoral Select Committee for two years. Mr Barnett said yesterday the committee would be making its recommendations in a report to the government at 10am today

2005-0808 - Southland Times - Ellis view due
Convicted childcare worker Peter Ellis is due to find out today whether there is political support for a government inquiry into his case. After two years of behind-closed-doors deliberation, the justice and electoral select committee chaired by Christchurch Central MP Tim Barnett is ready to make its recommendations on whether a government inquiry is warranted into Ellis' convictions for sexually abusing children in his care

2005-0802 - The Press - Ellis decision soon
Convicted Christchurch paedophile Peter Ellis will know next week if his supporters' petition for a royal commission of inquiry into his case has been successful. The parliamentary justice and electoral select committee must deliver its decision before Thursday next week

2005 - Parliament Select Committee: Justice and Electoral
Summary of when the select committee considered the petitions 2002/55 of Lynley Jane Hood and Don Brash and 807 others; and Petition 2002/70 of Gaye Davidson and 3,346 others  (16 July 2004 to 5 August 2005)