The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 3 (Aug 1-9)


One News
August 8 2005

Peter Ellis case inquiry rejected
Source: RNZ

A bid to get a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis sex abuse case has failed with a parliamentary select committee rejecting a petition calling for one. 

Peter Ellis, a former worker at the Christchurch Civic Creche, served nearly seven years in prison after being convicted in 1993 of offences against children. 

One of the seven preschoolers he was found guilty of abusing later retracted the allegations and three of Ellis' convictions have since been quashed.

The select committee has released a raft of recommendations for how such cases should be handled in the future, but says a commission of inquiry is not relevant here.

It also says it is unlikely the inquiry would reach a better view of the facts established at Ellis' trial.