The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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December 16 2008, 12:07

Peter Ellis supporters denounce central boy’s evidence

Supporters for an enquiry into convicted Christchurch Crèche worker Peter Ellis say there is no evidence the boy at the centre of the case ever made a complaint.

Three high-profile advocates for Ellis - former National leader Don Brash, author Lynley Hood and ex-MP Katherine Rich - are calling for justice minister Simon Power to review Ellis' case.

Ellis was convicted in 1993 of 16 sex offences against children at the crèche.

The case was sparked after the mother of one child from the creche reported a comment from her son.

However Lynley Hood believes there is no official record of the original comment made by the boy.



What Lynley Hood actually said

Jonathan Coleman: What was that ambiguous comment from a three year old boy?


Lynley Hood - Well we don’t know for sure, because it was reported by his mother who was a rather obsessive sex abuse therapist and he never repeated it in any interviews with CYPS or anybody. She claimed he said “I don’t like Peter’s black penis” And there are a lot of Peters in his life, and whether that’s what he said, we don’t know.  But that’s what set it all off and you think how can that happen?