Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


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This page last updated Feb 1 2005

1996-1211 - Dominion - Action gets ACC cheques flowing
page 3 – Hundreds of families looking after seriously-injured relatives could have their best Christmas in years after ACC started writing cheques in response to a High Court ruling that it should backdate payment for 24-hour care

1996-0314 - The Press - Tax on men suggested to compensate sex victims 
NZPA - A general tax on men might be one way to provide a compensation fund for victims of rape and sexual abuse, Rape Crisis spokeswoman Toni Allwood said yesterday. Her suggestion to MPs might prompt decent men in society to stand up and condemn sexual attacks, she said. Ms Allwood made the tongue-in-cheek remark during an exchange with Tarawera MP Max Bradford during the labour select committee's hearing of submissions on new ACC laws yesterday.Rape Crisis has called for reintroduction of lump-sum compensation payments, scrapped by a 1992 law change, as the best means of providing assistance to victims of sexual attacks.