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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2003 Index 


The Dominion Post
December 27, 2003

ACC fraud scheme a no-show
by Nikki MacDonald

An ACC data matching scheme billed last year as a multimillion- dollar fraud saver has not gone ahead.

ACC fraud manager Robert Liberona said in January 2002 that ACC was collaborating with the taxation department to match data held by the two agencies in a bid to catch people "double dipping". ACC claimants' records were to be matched with the Inland Revenue Department's to check if claimants were declaring all their income to ACC.

The scheme was supposed to be running by June 2002 and was expected to save the country about $100 million a year in ACC fraud.

But 18 months later ACC conceded that no data matching was taking place between the two agencies. No explanation was given.

Inland Revenue said it was in ongoing discussions with ACC and had no comment to make on any specific issue. An ACC spokesman said the agency did match data with the Corrections Department to identify claimants who had been jailed and no longer qualified for compensation.

This had identified 51 debt cases in the past 12 months.

The Dominion Post revealed last month that ACC spent almost $4.5 million on private investigators in the past three years, to detect fraud worth less than half that amount. A spokesman said the investigations had prevented further losses that could have amounted to almost $39 million.