Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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George Gwaze - Accused of sexual assault and murder of his niece


This page last updated May 26 2008

George Gwaze

Detective Malcolm Johnston
Guilty of leading
an incompetent investigation

Charlene Makaza
Victim of AIDS

This site condemns the sloppy police investigation, and unnecessary persecution of George Gwaze, who was charged with the rape and murder of his niece.

Fortunately the jury quickly rejected the allegations, and the family could at last begin to put their lives together again.

The police investigation, led by Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston was over almost as soon as it had begun. The police, had within days informed the public that the girl had suffered an horrific sexual assault, and had been suffocated, and not died from natural causes. There is no evidence that the police even began to consider any other possibility. The police were wrong in every way.


In an astounding display of arrogance and racial bigotry, the police spent time investigating “African beliefs about sex, including the myth that sex with a virgin could cure Aids”.


One may actually question who were the “savages” in this unprofessional investigation: George Gwaze and his family, who endured police bigotry with dignity, or the “White New Zealand Police beliefs about sex, including the myth that an horrific sexual assault is far more likely a cause of death than illness.”?




Link to News Reports of the Case

2007 Reports  (in progress)

2008 Reports  (in progress)



This site has serious concerns
relating to this case:

·                The obsession with sexual abuse in Nw Zealand has reached the point that those working in the medical and counselling industries will too quickly make definitive diagnoses of sexual abuse, if there is a remote possibility that may have occurred.

·                The police may add the Gwaze investigation to a long line of sloppy investigations characterised by police:

a.   Forming a belief extremely quickly about what may have occurred (perhaps with an over eagerness to demonstrate how skilled they are?).

b.   Immediately closing their minds to any other possibility

c.  Hence their investigations are only concerned with obtaining evidence to confirm their newly found beliefs.

·                This site endorses the call from high profile lawyer Barry Hart that a Commission of Inquiry is required to consider and make improvements to police investigations.

·                George Gwaze and his family deserve a sincere apology from the highest levels of the police for the police incompetence demonstrated in this case, combined with adequate and substantial compensation for what they have endured.


Surely a detective must have decided to leave his brain at home when he is willing to believe that a man could have committed a serious sexual assault and also murder by suffocation of his ten year old niece, while his 20 year old daughter was sleeping inches away?