Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1


Radio NZ
January 29 2007; 13:46

Extensive suppressions cover prominent man's case

A prominent Canterbury man has appeared in court on historical sexual abuse charges against a young girl.

Extensive suppressions surround the case, preventing publication of anything that will identify the man, including his occupation and where he lives.

The allegations date back almost 40 years.

The man is accused of have indecently assaulted the girl before she was 12, then raping her between the ages of 12 and 16.

At a depositions hearing in the Christchurch District Court on Monday, defence lawyer Jonathan Eaton asked witnesses if they believed the victim had an obsession or infatuation with the accused.

Both witness, who were childhood friends of the girl, said they did not.

The depositions hearing continues.