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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1


NZ Herald
January 30 2007

Wide suppression in child-abuse case

Allegations of child sexual abuse against a prominent Canterbury man, dating back more than 30 years, went before a depositions hearing in Christchurch District Court yesterday.

Little can be published of the hearing, at which four Crown witnesses gave evidence. The statements of two other witnesses were handed in written form to Judge John Bisphan.

The accused, 61, has suppression of his name and all references to his occupation or business.

The courts have also banned publication of the locations where the sexual abuse is alleged to have taken place.

A series of other details have been suppressed and Judge Bisphan imposed a further order yesterday stopping publication of part of the evidence from two childhood friends of the complainant.

Crown prosecutor Jane Farish said the case - in which the accused faces seven charges - concerned abuse of a girl from the age of about seven until she was 16.

Cross-examined by defence counsel Jonathan Eaton, a childhood friend of the complainant said she had never formed the view that the complainant had been infatuated by the man. Nor did she say anything about seeking compensation from the accused.

Another childhood friend recalled an incident when he was aged 10 to 12, when the complainant told him that the accused had asked her to get into bed with him and they had touched each other.

Another close friend from teenage years told the court that the complainant had told her about touching, oral sex, and "sexual activity". Each time it happened she would hear about it.

She told Ms Farish she was shocked by it but the complainant "seemed really happy, she seemed really in love".

"From what I understood, it may not be right, but my girlfriend's being loved and she's happy, so she's not in danger, is she?"

The witness said she saw affectionate contact between the pair, but no intimate contact.

In written evidence handed up to the judge, a high school girlfriend said the complainant had said she was infatuated with the accused and that they had had sex.

The complainant's partner testified that gave evidence of what happened when she raised her complaint.

He said the woman's instruction to her lawyer to seek compensation from the accused was rescinded when she heard there was an allegation that she was only trying to get money.

The man faces charges of sexual violation, two of indecent assault on a girl aged under 12, one of indecent assault on the same girl aged 12 to 16, and three charges of raping the girl when she was aged 12 to 16.

The hearing was adjourned to February 8 for the judge to consider submissions on whether the complainant should be required to give depositions evidence in person.