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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1


National Business Review
February 2 2007

High profile name in court on sex charges
by Chris Hutching

A 61-year old Christchurch businessman was accused of historical rape charges from 30 years ago in a depositions in the District Court this week.

Judge John Bisphan suppressed all details relating to the man's identity and business.

However, the shock value of the charges was somewhat tempered by the fact that many people close to the family have known about the pending charges for months, if not years. Some friends have speculated on motivations for the charges while others are waiting to judge the veracity of the evidence.

The hearing had been anticipated by court reporters on several occasions last year but was deferred for unknown reasons.

At the depositions hearing the court heard evidence from four Crown witnesses and two others provided written evidence. The witnesses were childhood friends of the accuser who were asked about their recollections at the time. Two girlfriends had the impression the complainant was in love with the defendant.

The charges include sexual violation of a girl under 12, indecent assault and rape when the girl was aged between 12 and 16. Jonathon Eaton is defending the accused man.

Judging by other recent high-profile cases for similar offending, if the case goes to full trial and the man is found guilty he could face at least eight years in jail. On the other hand, an acquittal may still prove highly embarrassing for the family.