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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1


The Press
December 7 2007

Canty man found guilty on sex charges

A prominent Christchurch businessman has been found guilty on seven counts including sodomy, rape, indecent assaults and inducing indecent acts.

The jury went out noon yesterday and returned their verdicts about 3pm.

Supression of the man's continues until sentencing on December 19. He has been remanded on bail.

All the man's personal details have been suppressed, including his age and his occupation, and the courts have barred reporting of the locations where the Crown says offending occurred 30 to 40 years ago.

He had denied allegations described by the woman during several days of evidence in court last week that she had been repeatedly abused by him from the age of eight until she was about 18. He was older than she was, and she told the court she was infatuated with him.

He has acknowledged that he did have sex with her on one occasion when she was aged about 16 or 17 and she had initiated that. The woman denies that happened.

The man had pleaded not guilty to two charges of inducing an indecent act, three of indecent assault, sodomy, and six charges of rape.